January 26, 2022

Recently, the Iowa Board of Medicine took the following action:

Samuel J. Rickerl, M.D., a 56-year-old Iowa licensed physician who formerly practiced obstetrics and gynecology in Clinton, Iowa, and currently practices in Illinois had a Statement of Charges filed by the Board on September 30, 2021.  The Board charged Dr. Rickerl pursuant to Iowa Code sections 147.55(2), 148.6(2)(g) and (i), and 272C.10(2) and Iowa Administrative Code rules 653—23.1(2)(a)–(g), with professional incompetency.  A contested case hearing shall be scheduled by the Board in the future.

When appropriate, disciplinary actions are reported to the National Practitioner Data Bank, an electronic repository administered by the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration to track adverse license actions.

CONSUMER COMPLAINTS: Consumers can submit complaints against physicians at https://medicalboard.iowa.gov/consumers/filing-complaint, by calling (515) 281-5847 or mail to 400 SW 8th Street, Suite C, Des Moines, IA  50309. 

To view these actions, please visit our Find a Physician page at the link below: 
