New tattoo establishment and tattoo establishment change of location applicants are required to submit a floor plan with their application 641--22.9(2).
The following guidance will help ensure your floor plan contains the necessary items to comply with Chapter 22.
Establishments must be in a commercially zoned permanent building. 641--22.3(4)
A minimum of 300 square feet is required for the tattoo establishment areas 641--22.4(4).
The tattoo establishment area is any room or walkway accessible to the tattoo patron.
A plumbed-in sink for handwashing that has a hot and cold mixing head must be located in the tattoo area. 641--22.4(2)
The tattoo area is the room where the practice of tattooing is being performed.
Food and beverages consumption is prohibited in the tattoo area. 641--22.4(10)
Storing, distributing, and consuming intoxicating beverages and controlled substances is prohibited on the establishment premises. 641--22.4(11)
Establishment premises are the tattoo area and areas accessible from the tattoo area without exiting the building.
Smoking is not allowed on the establishment premises. 641--22.4(9)
Flooring and furniture in the tattoo area must be impervious, washable, and easily cleanable. 641--22.4(1), 641--22.4(5)
Labeling Your Floor Plan
An official floor plan should be obtained from the building owner so that it can be labeled. If you are unable to obtain an official floor plan, you may create a floor plan of your establishment using the following guidelines:
The floor plan is drawn to scale on graph paper OR
The floor plan is created in a floor plan design software/app and exported as a PDF or image file.
The floor plan's tattoo areas and patron-accessible restrooms should be labeled.
Tattoo areas are the rooms where tattooing is being practiced.
The easily accessible tattoo area sink and bathroom sink should be labeled.
Easily accessible means there are no obstructions such as doors or footpaths existing between the sink and the tattoo artist.
Other rooms on the tattoo establishment premises should be labeled.
The premises are the tattoo area and any room accessible from the tattoo area without exiting the building.
The square footage for each room should be labeled.
New tattoo establishment and tattoo establishment change of location applicants are required to submit a floor plan with their application 641--22.9(2).
The following guidance will help ensure your floor plan contains the necessary items to comply with Chapter 22.
Tattoo events must be in a permanent building. 641--22.11(2)
A minimum of 80 square feet is required for each tattooing booth.
Conveniently located, plumbed-in handwashing facilities are required. 641--22.11(2)a
Conveniently located means the tattoo artist and patrons can access the handwashing facilities without exiting the building.
Food and beverages consumption is prohibited in the tattoo area. 641--22.4(10)
The tattoo area is the room containing the tattooing booth(s).
Storing, distributing, and consuming intoxicating beverages and controlled substances is prohibited on the establishment premises. 641--22.4(11)
Establishment premises are the tattoo area and areas accessible from the tattoo area without exiting the building.
Smoking is not allowed on the establishment premises. 641--22.4(9)
Flooring in the tattoo area is smooth, impervious, or can be covered with an impermeable barrier. 641-22.11(2)f
Labeling Your Floor Plan
An official floor plan should be obtained from the building owner so that it can be labeled. If you are unable to obtain an official floor plan, you may create a floor plan of your establishment using the following guidelines:
The floor plan is drawn to scale on graph paper OR
The floor plan is created in a floor plan design software/app and exported as a PDF or image file.
The floor plan's tattoo area, booths, and patron-accessible restrooms should be labeled.
The tattoo area is the room where tattooing is being practiced.
All event areas should be visible on the floor plan.
Additional floor plan sheets can be attached to clarify booth, restroom, or sink locations.
The square footage for the tattooing booth(s) should be labeled.