DIAL's Administrative Hearings Division provides independent administrative law judges to make decisions regarding disputes primarily between private citizens and government agencies. The department strives to fairly and impartially decide cases, consistent with the law and in an efficient and professional manner.

The Administrative Hearings Division conducts proceedings for nearly all Iowa State agencies and some local government agencies. DIAL is authorized by Iowa Code section 10A.801(5) to conduct proceedings for any government entity on a contract basis.

Government entities interested in administrative hearing services should fill out DIAL's contact form. Unless other arrangements have been made, a case is formally transmitted to DIAL by submitting a Transmittal Form and other relevant documents in paper or electronic form. Administrative proceedings are billed to government agencies on a quarterly basis via EIT transfer or check payable to the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing.

If You Have a Case Pending with DIAL

Members of the public may need to have an administrative hearing if they have filed an appeal to a decision with a State agency, and the agency determines the appeal is valid and merits a hearing. In order to start the appeal process, the person or entity who wants a decision appealed must file an appeal with the agency in question following the specific agency’s appeal instructions. If the appeal is accepted for a hearing, DIAL will issue a "Notice of Hearing" to all parties who will need to be involved (typically the appeal requestor, agency staff, etc.). This notice will indicate whether the hearing is in-person or via telephone and will contain instructions about how to proceed with the hearing on the specified date.

If you are a participant in a contested case proceeding, you are entitled to legal representation at your own expense. If you meet certain income criteria and eligibility guidelines, you may qualify for free legal assistance from Iowa Legal Aid. Visit the Iowa Legal Aid website to learn more.

If you are participating in a hearing with DIAL’s Administrative Hearings Division, you can expect the following steps and procedures. If you have additional questions about hearings, please contact us.

About the Hearing Process