The Wage and Child Labor unit enforces Iowa wage law. The unit investigates any wage issues that may arise, including the following:
- Wages not received
- Illegal Deductions
- Unreimbursed expenses
- Illegal lowering of agreed upon wages
The Wage and Child Labor Unit only accepts Wage Claims when the following applies:
- Less than one year (365 days) since the wages were due.
- Amount owed is less than $6,500.
- All work was performed in the State of Iowa.
Complete an Iowa wage claim for the unit to begin investigation.
Overtime Pay Issues
If you believe you are owed overtime pay, contact the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Office.
Interstate Employment
If the company operates out of Iowa, but the work was not completed in Iowa, contact the U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Office.
Iowa Minimum Wage Law
The minimum wage applies to most hourly wage earners employed in Iowa. Most small retail and service establishments grossing less than $300,000.00 annually are not required to pay the minimum wage.
Wage Claim Common Questions
$7.25 per hour.
If you make $30 per month or more in tips, the employer may pay as little as $4.35 per hour. If in any work week the wage the employer pays you and the tips you receive do not average at least $7.25 per hour, the employer is required to pay the difference.
Generally employers that gross at least $300,000 in sales or business per year must comply with the Iowa Minimum Wage Law. Some employers may be required by law to comply regardless of sales or business volume. These would include public agencies and construction entities. For-profit and not for profit hospitals, institutions caring for the sick, aged or mentally ill, schools for persons mentally or physically disabled or for gifted children, preschools, and elementary or secondary schools would also be required to comply.
Iowa has no laws mandating meal breaks for adults. An employer does not have to pay you for a break during which you are completely relieved of your job duties. Your employer can require you to stay on the business premises during your break. Only the following breaks are required:
- Minors younger than 16 must be given a 30-minute break if they are employed five hours or more in a day.
- All employees must be allowed toilet breaks when needed.
- A union contract may require breaks and those requirements are enforced by the union.
- Certain other limited categories of workers, such as airline pilots, may be entitled to mandatory breaks under applicable regulations. Check with the appropriate regulatory agency.
For most employees there is no limit on the number of hours unless there is an employment agreement or contract that says otherwise. Many employers give rest and meal breaks due to health and safety concerns. There are limits on the number of hours children under age 16 can work, and some contracts for employment contain limits.
Iowa Law does not require employers to provide sick time, vacation pay or holiday pay. Employers must follow their own policies, practices or contracts regarding these benefits.
Only if the employer has a contract, policy or procedure to pay vacation to departing employees.
No, unless there is an employment contract specifying a raise.
Yes. If you are an at-will employee, an employer may change your work schedule, place of work, or job description without advance notice.
Yes. Usually either an employer or employee may terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, or for no reason at all. You may have grounds for legal action if the employer fires you:
- Based on sex, race, color, national origin, religion, age, pregnancy or physical or mental disability. Contact the Iowa Civil Rights Commission.
- For certain “whistleblower” actions such as filing OSHA complaints.
- Contrary to an applicable employment contract.
- For attempting to comply with applicable government regulations, such as health codes in restaurants.
Generally notice is not required by either party. However, notice of quitting may affect fringe benefits like vacation and sick leave.
If you leave employment for any reason, you are to be paid on the next regularly scheduled payday.
Items on the following list can be deducted from wages.
- Taxes
- Garnishments
- Deductions for any lawful purpose accruing to the benefit of the employee if the employee has given written authorization for the deduction (for example, insurance, 401K, pensions, bonds and savings programs).
Items on the following list cannot be deducted:
- Cash shortages in common money till.
- Losses due to breakage, damage, acceptance of bad checks, and default of customer credit except in certain limited cases.
- Lost or stolen property unless certain conditions are met.
- Personal protective equipment in most cases.
Yes. Your employer may not pass any fees associated with processing your pay through direct deposit.
Is payment of wages by debit card allowed in Iowa?
Yes, if the following conditions are met:
- The employee agrees in writing to accept wages through a debit card.
- The funds are available to the employee on or before each payday.
- The employee is allowed access to all wages due without a fee or charge. The number of free transactions required per pay period will vary depending on the amount of pay owed and the card’s transaction limit. For example, if the card’s transaction limit is greater than the amount of pay owed, only one free transaction per pay period is required; if the card’s transaction limit is one-half of the wages owed, two free transactions per pay period are required.
Yes. Every regular payday an employer shall provide to the employee a statement showing:
- The hours the employee worked.
- The wages earned by the employee.
- The deductions made from that paycheck.
The statement shall be provided using one of the following methods:
- Sending the statement to an employee by mail.
- Providing the statement to an employee by secure electronic transmission or other secure electronic means, provided the employee is able to receive under these methods. Otherwise the employer must use another approved method.
- Providing the statement to an employee at the normal place of employment during normal working hours.
- Providing each employee access to view and print a statement of their earnings electronically and providing free and unrestricted access to a printer to print the pay stub.
An employer may be held liable for the cost of bounced checks caused by the employer’s failure to pay.
No. An employer must obtain an employee’s written consent before a paycheck is sent via the mail. Pay stubs may be mailed without written consent.
The employer may require employees to buy uniforms. Deducting the purchase price of uniforms from an employee’s paycheck is not allowed if the uniform identifies the business through a logo or company colors. Payroll deduction may be allowed if the uniform is generic clothing such as a white blouse or black pants.
In general, NO. However, if the conditions of being on call make it very difficult to do anything personal then compensation may be due. Any time actually performing work while on call must be compensation.
No. Iowa wage law Many employers elect to pay an employee’s wage while they are on jury duty, and ask that the employee sign over to the employer any payments the employee gets from the court for performing jury service, which is permissible under state law.
Under Iowa law, if an employer has a policy or past practice of paying employees while they are on jury duty, the employer must consistently and uniformly follow its policy or past practice. An employer is not compelled to continue paying if it communicates clearly and consistently that it has changed its policy or practice.
List items for Additional Wage Claim Questions
Any person entitled to vote at an election in this state who does not have three consecutive hours in the period between the time of the opening and the time of the closing of the polls during which the person is not required to be present at work for an employer, is entitled to such time off from work time to vote as will in addition to the person’s nonworking time total three consecutive hours during the time the polls are open. Application by any employee for such absence shall be made individually and in writing prior to the date of the election, and the employer shall designate the period of time to be taken. The employee is not liable to any penalty nor shall any deduction be made from the person’s regular salary or wages on account of such absence.
Yes, training that results in a portable certificate or license does not have to be compensated if it is outside of regular working hours and attendance is voluntary. A meeting or training directly related to a particular business must be paid.
Information on Iowa’s drug testing law can be obtained here:
Governor’s Office on Drug Control at 515.725.0300.
6200 Park Avenue
Suite 100
Des Moines, IA 50321