Criminal histories do not automatically prohibit applicants from getting licensed in Iowa. Even if you have one or more disqualifying convictions, you may still qualify.
You will need to submit proof of rehabilitation to the Board. Your documentation needs to prove your ability to safely practice nursing.
When applying for licensure:
Applicants must disclose convictions by answering the criminal offense questions on the online application. For each offense, list the following information on the background check waiver form:
The charge.
Where it occurred (city/county, and state).
When it occurred.
A brief description of what happened.
The outcome (paid a fine, substance abuse evaluation, dismissed, expunged, deferred judgement, etc.)
If using physical fingerprint cards from the provided packet, use the blanks on the last page of the paper โWaiver Informationโ form or enclose a separate letter.
If using Fieldprint for electronic fingerprinting, the background check waiver is part of the online registration process. Provide the above details in the section provided after answering the criminal conviction question.
If you have not yet submitted an application:
You may submit a petition for eligibility form. The Board will review your petition and determine your eligibility for licensure. You are not required to submit a petition before applying for a license. If you have criminal convictions and are considering attending nursing school, you may want to submit a Petition before enrolling.
โโโโโโFor some cases, you may be asked to submit your guilty plea and/or sentencing order with your application. To avoid potential delays, submit all of the above when you apply.
The following must be reported:
Deferred judgments
Expunged convictions
Sealed records
Any other forms of agreed dispositions
Operating while intoxicated convictions
Note: You do not need to report traffic charges.
List of Potentially Disqualifying Criminal Convictions
Prohibited acts, including manufacture, sale, delivery, or possession of controlled substances, in violation of Iowa Code ยงยง 124.401, 124.402, 124.403
Manufacturing methamphetamine in the presence of minors in violation of Iowa Code ยง 124.401C
Conspiracy to manufacture for delivery or delivery or intent or conspiracy to deliver amphetamine or methamphetamine to a minor in violation of Iowa Code ยง 124.401D
Tampering with, possessing, or transporting anhydrous ammonia or anhydrous ammonia equipment in violation of Iowa Code ยง 124.401F
Distribution to persons under eighteen in violation of Iowa Code ยง 124.406
Use of persons under eighteen in drug trade in violation of Iowa Code ยง 124.406A
Gatherings where controlled substances unlawfully used in violation of Iowa Code ยง 124.407
Accommodation offense (marijuana) in violation of Iowa Code ยง 124.410
Drug paraphernalia offense in violation of Iowa Code ยง 124.414
Pseudoephedrine purchase in violation of Iowa Code ยง 124.213
Prohibited acts regarding drugs, devices, and cosmetics in violation of Iowa Code chapter 126
Unlawful possession of prescription drug or device in violation of Iowa Code ยง 155A.21
Prohibited acts in violation of Iowa Code ยงยง 155A.23, 155A.24
Sexual Abuse; Lascivious Acts with a Child; Indecent Exposure; Assault with Intent to Commit Sexual Abuse; Indecent Contact with a Child; Lascivious Conduct with a Minor; Sexual Exploitation; Sexual Misconduct; or Invasion of Privacy in violation of Iowa Code chapter 709
Sexually motivated offense in violation of Iowa Code ยง 708.15
Sexually motivated offense in violation of Iowa Code ยง 726.10
Sexually motivated offense in violation of Iowa Code ยง 692A.126
Prostitution; Pimping; Pandering; or Leasing Premises for Prostitution in violation of Iowa Code chapter 725
Dissemination or Exhibition of Obscene Materials to Minors; Admitting Minors to Premises Where Obscene Material is Exhibited; Rental or Sale of Hard-Core Pornography; Public Indecent Exposure; or Sexual Exploitation of a Minor in violation of Iowa Code chapter 728
Any offense classified as a sex offense in Iowa Code ยง 692A.102
Failure to comply with sex offender registry requirements in violation of Iowa Code ยง 692A.111
Escape from sexually violent predator custody in violation of Iowa Code ยง 229A.5B
Any offense classified as a โforcible felonyโ in Iowa Code ยง 702.11
Murder; Manslaughter; Attempted Murder; Solicitation to Commit Murder; or Homicide or Serious Injury by Vehicle in violation of Iowa Code chapter 707
Assault; Willful Injury; Administering Harmful Substances; Intimidation with a Dangerous Weapon; Harassment; Going Armed with Intent; Use of Spring Guns or Traps; Hazing; Stalking; Abuse of a Corpse; or Female Genital Mutilation in violation of Iowa Code chapter 708
Kidnapping; Child Stealing; False Imprisonment; Harboring a Runaway Child; Enticing a Minor; or Purchase or Sale of Individual in violation of Iowa Code chapter 710
Human Trafficking or Solicitation of Commercial Sexual Activity in violation of Iowa Code chapter 710A
Robbery; Aggravated Theft; or Extortion in violation of Iowa Code chapter 711
Arson; Reckless use of Fire or Explosives; or Possession of Explosive or Incendiary Materials or Devices in violation of Iowa Code chapter 712
Criminal Gang Participation or Gang Recruitment in violation of Iowa Code chapter 723A
Neglect or Abandonment of a Dependent Person; Child Endangerment; Wanton Neglect of a Resident of a Health Care Facility; Wanton Neglect or Nonsupport of a Dependent Adult; Bigamy; or Incest in violation of Iowa Code chapter 726
Cruelty, neglect, or abuse of person with mental illness in violation of Iowa Code ยง 229.38
Burglary in violation of Iowa Code chapter 713
Theft or Fraudulent Practice in violation of Iowa Code chapter 714
Computer spyware offense in violation of Iowa Code chapter 715
Forgery; Tampering with Records; Credit Card offenses; Prohibitions Relating to False Academic Degrees, Grades, or Honors; or Identity Theft in violation of Iowa Code chapter 715A
Falsifying Public Documents in violation of Iowa Code ยง 718.5
Interference with Official Acts; Providing False Identification Information; Preventing Apprehension, Obstructing Prosecution, or Obstructing Defense; Assisting Prisoner to Escape, Possessing Contraband or Electronic Contraband; or Furnishing a Controlled Substance or Intoxicating Beverage in violation of Iowa Code chapter 719
Perjury; Tampering with Witnesses or Jurors; False Representation of Records or Process; Malicious Prosecution; or Interference with Judicial Acts in violation of Iowa Code chapter 720
Bribery in violation of Iowa Code chapter 722
Disclosing the name of a person receiving substance abuse treatment or rehabilitation services in violation of Iowa Code ยง 125.33
Establishing, conducting, managing, or operating a substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation facility without a license in violation of Iowa Code ยง 125.58
Disclosing confidential child death data, records, or other information in violation of Iowa Code ยง 135.43
Disclosing confidential domestic abuse death data, records, or other information in violation of Iowa Code ยง 135.111
Establishing, conducting, managing, or operating a hospital without a license in violation of Iowa Code ยง 135B.15
Failure to report conviction or entry of an abuse record in violation of Iowa Code ยง 135B.34
Operation or use of radiation machines or radioactive material in violation of Iowa Code ยง 136C.4
Establishing, conducting, managing, or operating a health care facility without a license; or interfering with or impeding the enforcement of Iowa Code chapter 135C in violation of Iowa Code ยง 135C.21
Failure to report conviction or entry of an abuse record in violation of Iowa Code ยง 135C.33
Establishing, operating, or managing a subacute care facility without a license in violation of Iowa Code ยง 135G.14
Establishing, operating, or managing a psychiatric medical institution for children without a license in violation of Iowa Code ยง 135H.15
Knowingly violating confidentiality requirements in violation of Iowa Code ยง 135L.3
Knowingly violating any provision of law relating to communicable and infectious diseases and poisonings in violation of Iowa Code ยง 139A.25
Violating acquired immune deficiency syndrome confidentiality requirements in violation of Iowa Code ยง 131A.11
Unlawful receipt, delivery, use or disposition of a dead body in violation of Iowa Code chapter 142
Vital statistics offenses in violation of Iowa Code ยง 144.53
Life-sustaining procedure offense in violation of Iowa Code ยง 144A.10
False Use of Professional Titles or Abbreviations; Forgery, Fraud; or Unlawful Drug Dispensing, Supplying and Prescribing in violation of Iowa Code chapter 147
Prohibited acts in violation of Iowa Code ยง 147A.11
Establishing, conducting, managing, or operating an elder group home without a certificate in violation of Iowa Code ยง 231B.15
Establishing, conducting, managing, or operating any assisted living program without a certificate in violation of Iowa Code ยง 231C.15
Establishing, conducting, managing, or operating an adult day services program without a certificate in violation of Iowa Code ยง 231D.11
Knowingly and willfully failing to report a suspected case of child or dependent adult abuse in violation of Iowa Code ยงยง 232.75; 235B.3
Dependent adult abuse in violation of Iowa Code ยง 235B.20
Disclosure by third-party payor or peer reviewer of confidential mental health information in violation of Iowa Code ยง 228.7
Wrongful use, disclosure, or tampering of DNA in violation of Iowa Code ยง 81.6
Prostitution house offense in violation of Iowa Code ยง 99.1A
Solicitation in violation of Iowa Code chapter 705
Conspiracy in violation of Iowa Code chapter 706
Ongoing criminal conduct in violation of Iowa Code ยง 706A.2
Money laundering in violation of Iowa Code ยง 706B
Feticide; Nonconsensual Termination; Failure to Preserve the Life of the Fetus; or Murder of Fetus Aborted Alive in violation of Iowa Code chapter 707
Performing an abortion on a minor in violation of 135L.3
Prohibited actions with respect to fetal body parts in violation of Iowa Code ยง 146D.1
Assisting suicide in violation of Iowa Code ยง 707A.2
Human reproductive cloning in violation of Iowa Code ยง 707C.4
Terrorism; Soliciting or Providing Material Support or Resources for Terrorism; Obstruction of Terrorism Prosecution; or Threat of Terrorism in violation of Iowa Code chapter 708A
Unlawful possession or distribution of bacillus anthracis or any substance containing bacillus anthracis in violation of Iowa Code ยง 708B.1
Criminal transmission of a contagious or infectious disease in violation of Iowa Code ยง 709D.3
Criminal Mischief; Unauthorized Computer Access; Trespass; or Critical Infrastructure Sabotage in violation of Iowa Code chapter 716
Unauthorized Sale or Offer for Direct Sale of Prescription Drugs; Use of Encryption; or Transmission of Unsolicited Bulk Electronic Mail in violation of Iowa Code chapter 716A
Unlawful disposal, transportation, treatment, or storage of hazardous waste in violation of Iowa Code chapter 716B
Bestiality in violation of Iowa Code ยง 717C.1
Violation of a no-contact order in violation of Iowa Code ยง 664.7
Riot, Unlawful Assembly; Failure to Disperse, or Disorderly Conduct in violation of Iowa Code chapter 723
Firearm and weapon offenses in violation of Iowa Code Chapter 724
Electronic and Mechanical Eavesdropping; Exposing Persons to X-Ray Radiation; or Transacting Business Without a License in violation of Iowa Code chapter 727
Genetic testing offense in violation of Iowa Code ยง 729.6
Hate crime in violation of Iowa code ยง 729A.2
Using a juvenile to commit certain offenses or contributing to juvenile delinquency, 709A
False reports of incendiary or explosive device or material; Threat of placing or attempting to place any incendiary or explosive device or material in violation of Iowa Code chapter 712.