Asbestos workers, contractors and supervisors must obtain licenses for all asbestos projects unless they are working for their employer and the employer is exempt from the permit requirement. 

An asbestos inspector and asbestos project designer must obtain a license for asbestos projects in school, public, or commercial buildings. Asbestos management planners must obtain licenses for projects in school buildings.

Who needs a license?

All contractors and employees working with asbestos should be licensed and trained.

For Companies

A business entity engaging in the removal or encapsulating of asbestos shall hold a permit for that purpose unless the business entity is removing or encapsulating asbestos at its own facility.

See a list of current permitted contractors.

For Individuals

Training for asbestos professionals is required under the EPA Asbestos Model Accreditation Plan (MAP) - which the EPA issued under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 (AHERA).

See a list of current licensed professionals.

The MAP requires the use of trained and accredited asbestos professionals when conducting asbestos inspections or designing or conducting response actions at schools and public and commercial buildings. The MAP established five required training disciplines:

  • Worker
  • Contractor/Supervisor
  • Inspector
  • Management Planner
  • Project Designer

The State of Iowa requires any individuals performing any of the following must obtain an annual license from the Iowa Division of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing.

Application Process

The following steps need to be completed in order to have your application approved:

  • Complete and sign the Asbestos License Application.
  • Attach a copy of a training certificate from a trainer approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The training certificate shall state the name of the course successfully completed, the name of the training provider, and the training dates. 
  • Applicants for worker and contractor/supervisor license must also complete and return the original:
    • Respirator Protection Form
    • Notarized Medical Certification form  
  • Send all required documents with a check or money order to the DIAL - Asbestos.  

It can take up to 30 days to process a license, please plan ahead. Photocopies are not accepted for the Respirator Fit form and Physician's Certification form. 

License Types


  • Training: Four-day initial training and most recent refresher training certificate.
  • Physical Abilities: Passage of a respirator fit test and physical examination in accordance with OSHA provisions.
    • Medical Certification signed and notarized
    • Respirator Protection Form signed
  • Application Fee: $20

Supervisor / Contractor

  • Training: Five-day initial training and most recent refresher training certificate.
  • Physical Abilities: Passage of a respirator fit test and physical examination in accordance with OSHA provisions.
    • Medical Certification signed and notarized
    • Respirator Protection Form signed
  • Application Fee: $50


  • Training: Three-day initial training and most recent refresher training certificate.
  • Application Fee: $20

Management Planner

  • Training: Three-day initial inspector training, a two-day management planner training course and most recent refresher training certificates.
  • Application Fee: $20

Asbestos Project Designer

  • Training: Three-day initial training and most recent refresher training certificate.
  • Application Fee: $50


Licensing requires training, you can find a list of EPA-approved training providers.

Asbestos License & Permit FAQs