
Building & Construction

Owners of elevators, escalators, dumbwaiters, and other equipment covered by Iowa Code Chapter 89A have many responsibilities.

  • All covered equipment must be registered with DIAL.
  • A current operating permit must be posted at all times.
  • The owner must hire a qualified elevator maintenance company to perform regular safety tests.

In addition, the equipment must be inspected on a regular schedule by the State of Iowa. The owner may hire a qualified, private inspector commissioned by the State of Iowa. Otherwise, an inspector employed by the State of Iowa will inspect. If the equipment does not meet code, corrections will be required.

Iowa Code

Public Permit Search

Enter the information you know about the elevator(s) you are searching for and click the 'Search' button. For best result, search only one field at a time.

Submit your application at least eight weeks before installation or alteration of an elevator your conveyance. Once the state receives your application, you will be notified whether the plans have been approved or denied. Once approved, you will receive an Installation or Alteration Permit and you can begin work on the conveyance at that time. Scheduling of the acceptance will be initiated by the installer through the DIAL Safety Coordinator.

Online Payments

If you have received an invoice from Elevator Safety and would like to pay online, use the request below to submit the business Federal Tax ID number along with your elevator permit number(s) and/or invoice number(s). Instructions to pay online will be emailed after receiving the business Federal Tax ID number and the email address you will use to create your login.

There will be a 3% service fee added to your total purchase amount or a 30-cent service fee added to your ACH (checking account) payment.

Credit card or ACH payments will not be accepted over the phone.


Local government officials are often the first government officials to be aware of a project involving an elevator, escalator, or other covered conveyance. Early contact with owners, developers, engineers, and architects can be leveraged to help avoid costly delays and expensive changes during the early planning phases of a project. The Elevator Bureau is available for consultation for any project, if requested. Fees are available upon request.

Working through apparent inconsistencies between elevator codes and fire, building, or electrical codes with the staff of DIAL during the design phase is a smart move.

Working with the DIAL Building & Construction Bureau during the early planning phases can mean that appropriate equipment is ordered and installed in a manner that complies with the applicable codes.

About the Elevator Safety Board

The Board adjudicates waiver requests, reviews rules, and suggests changes to the Iowa legislature. To request a waiver, petition for a rule change, or appeal an inspection, follow instructions.