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Plan Review Requirements
Before installing aboveground tanks storing flammable or combustible liquids, plans must be submitted to the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing (DIAL) for approval.
- Engineering drawings of the storage facility are preferred but not required.
- Drawings must be to scale.
- Plans sealed by a licensed professional engineer are required if the facility is a refinery.
Local jurisdictions (full time fire departments) may require plans to be submitted to them for a local permit in addition to obtaining approval from this office. Consult your local jurisdictions for their requirements.
Underground tanks which have been approved in accordance with the Iowa Administrative Rules chapter 591-15.6(455G) do not need to be submitted for approval. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources regulates underground storage tank systems used for the storage of regulated substances.
Back to topPlan Review Fees
- Aboveground Storage Tank Plan Review Fee: $100 + $25 per tank
- Liquid Propane Tank Plan Review: No fees
Payments can be made online by debit/credit card or eCheck/ACH or by mailing a check or money order payable to the DIAL or State of Iowa and mailed to the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing, Attention: AST Administration, 6200 Park Ave, Ste 100, Des Moines, IA 50321.
Back to topHazardous Condition Reporting-Section 304, Emergency Release Notification
The State of Iowa requires any person manufacturing, storing, handling, transporting, or disposing of a hazardous substance to notify the department and local law enforcement of the occurrence of a hazardous condition.
More information about reporting a spill or hazardous condition for aboveground storage tanks is available on the Iowa Department of Natural Resource's Spill Reporting website.
Back to topRegistration Requirements
Aboveground storage tanks that are greater than 1,100 gallons in capacity must be registered with DIAL.
Note: Tank registration shall not be construed as plan approval. Plan approval is required for all tanks above 1,000 gallons; registration is not.
Back to topRegistration Fees
- Tank registration fee: $20 per tank annually from registration until the following October 1.
- Late registration fee: $25 per tank for registrations not completed prior to October 31 of each year.
Payments can be made online by debit/credit card or eCheck/ACH or by mailing a check or money order payable to DIAL or State of Iowa and mailed to the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing, Attention: AST Administration, 6200 Park Ave, Ste 100, Des Moines, IA 50321.
Back to topChange of Information
Changes to registration information may be submitted online at the time of registration renewal or via the Change of Information form.
Tanks that do not need to be registered with DIAL include:
- aboveground tanks of 1,100 gallons or less capacity;
- tanks containing liquid propane;
- tanks used for storing of heating oil for consumptive use on the premises where stored;
- underground tanks defined by Iowa Code section 455B.471.
Iowa Department of Natural Resources regulates UST; - flow-through process tanks or tanks containing regulated substances, other than motor vehicle fuel for transportation purposes, used as part of a manufacturing process, system, or facility;
- farm exemption: 2,000 gallons or less of gasoline or 5,000 gallons or less of diesel.
- "Farm" means land and associated improvements used to produce agricultural commodities, if at least $1,000 is annually generated from the sale of the agricultural commodities (i.e., crops as defined in Iowa Code section 202.1 or animals as defined in Iowa Code section 459.102).