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Local Anesthesia Permit

Iowa Administrative Code 650 authorizes a dental hygienist to administer local anesthesia provided the following requirements are met:

  • The dental hygienist holds both an active dental hygiene license and local anesthesia permit issued by the Iowa Dental Board.
  • The local anesthesia is prescribed by a licensed dentist.
  • The local anesthesia is administered under the direct supervision of the dentist. 

Obtaining a dental hygiene license does not automatically qualify a dental hygienist to administer local anesthesia. The application for a local anesthesia permit requires the applicant to have completed board-approved training (e.g. from an accredited school). If the training was completed outside of the timeframe referenced in Iowa Administrative Code 650 Chapter 11, the applicant must also document ongoing experience administering local anesthesia in another state.

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Nitrous Oxide

A dentist shall provide direct supervision of the administration and monitoring of nitrous oxide, and establish a written office protocol for taking vital signs, adjusting anesthetic concentrations, and addressing emergency situations that may arise. 

The dentist shall be responsible for dismissing the patient following completion of the procedure.

Record Keeping: The patient record must include the concentration of nitrous oxide administered, the duration of administration, and any vital signs taken.

Dental Hygienists


A dental hygienist may administer nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia provided the administration of nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia has been delegated by a dentist and the the dental hygienist has completed board-approved training (e.g. from an accredited school).


A dental hygienist may monitor a patient under nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia provided all of the following requirements are met:

  • The hygienist has completed a board-approved (e.g. from an accredited school) course of training or has received equivalent training while a student in an accredited school of dental hygiene;
  • The task has been delegated by a dentist; and
  • Any adverse reactions are reported to the supervising dentist immediately.​​


Dentists may use nitrous oxide inhalation analgesia sedation on an outpatient basis for dental patients provided the dentist has completed training and ensures the patient is continually monitored while receiving nitrous oxide.

 Note: A sedation permit is not required for the administration of minimal sedation (anxiolysis).  

Definitions for Sedation in Dentistry

Definitions for terms related to the use of sedation in dentistry as defined in Iowa Administrative Code 650 - Chapter 29.

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Sedation Permit Required

Dentists licensed in this state shall not administer moderate sedation, deep sedation, or general anesthesia in the practice of dentistry unless they have obtained the appropriate sedation permit from the board.   Note: A sedation permit is not required for the administration of minimal sedation (anxiolysis).  

Applications for moderate sedation or general anesthesia permits shall be reviewed by the Anesthesia Credentials Committee prior to issuance. Additionally, if the applicant intends to administer sedation at a facility that has not been previously inspected by the board, a facility inspection must be completed before the board will issue the permit.

Requirements for Moderate Sedation & General Anesthesia Permits

Sedation of Pediatric or Medically-Compromised Patients

Dentists who intend to administer moderate sedation to pediatric or medically-compromised (ASA III or IV) patients are required to complete an accredited residency program that includes formal training in anesthesia and clinical experience in managing pediatric or medically-compromised patients.

Use of Another Licensed Sedation Provider or Permit Holder

Dentists may only use the services of a licensed sedation provider or another sedation permit holder to administer moderate sedation, deep sedation, or general anesthesia in a dental facility if the dentist holds a current moderate sedation or general anesthesia permit.

A permit holder who does not meet the training requirement to administer moderate sedation to pediatric or medically-compromised patients may use a licensed sedation provider or another qualified permit holder to administer moderate sedation to those patients.

Note: A dentist who does not hold a sedation permit is prohibited from using a licensed sedation provider or permit holder to provide moderate sedation, deep sedation or general anesthesia.

Requirements for Sedation Permit Holders

An overview of the standard requirements for moderate sedation and general anesthesia permit holders in Iowa.

List items for Dental Board Application & Renewal Fees

About the Dental Board

The Iowa Dental Board regulates the practice of dentistry in Iowa and issues licensees to dental professionals.

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