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Initial Licensing & Registration

Detailed information about specific application requirements is available on the Licensure, Registration and Permits page.

Application Forms for Dental Professions

Below are the forms required as a part of the licensure or registration process.  The forms may be completed, and uploaded as part of the online application, or emailed to when complete.

List of Testing Sites

Complete list of community college testing sites that regularly administer the board examinations in jurisprudence, infection control, and dental radiography.

Completed Application Received & Reviewed

Board staff process applications in the order received. An application is not considered complete until applicants have submitted all requested documentation. Please allow enough time for processing of your application.  Paper applications often take longer to review and process.

To ensure timely processing of an application, be sure to submit the application fee, and attach all available documentation. Each application has a checklist that details all required documents and credentials. Upon receipt, staff review applications for completeness. After reviewing each application, staff emails the applicant with a list of outstanding items.  

PLEASE NOTE: Incomplete applications become invalid after 180 days from the date of receipt. After 180 days, an applicant must submit a new application and fee. If the applicant does not meet the requirements for a license or permit, staff will not issue the license or permit.

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Administrative Issuance of License or Registration

If the final review of an application indicates no questions or concerns about the applicant's qualifications for licensure or registration, the executive director has authorized staff to grant the license or registration.

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Referral to the License Registration Committee

Staff may refer an application to the License Registration Committee or Dental Hygiene Committee for review. Reasons for referral may include any of the following:

  • Professional disciplinary history;

  • Prior criminal history that may affect the practice of dentistry;

  • Chemical dependence that negatively affects the practice of dentistry;

  • Questions related to competency;

  • Physical or psychological illness that negatively impacts the ability to practice;

  • Malpractice claims or settlements; and

  • Any other matters which may negatively affect safety to the public.

The List of Potentially-Disqualifying Criminal Convictions provides an overview of the types of convictions that could result in the denial of a license.  Please note: Having been convicted of an offense on this list does not automatically disqualify an applicant from licensure or registration.  The Board reviews applications on a case-by-case basis.

Following review and consideration of a referred application, the committee may:

  • Defer final action if there is a pending investigation or disciplinary action;
  • Request that the applicant appear for an interview;
  • Recommend issuance of the license or permit;
  • Recommend that the board deny of the license or permit;
  • Recommend that the board issue the license or permit under certain terms or restrictions; or
  • Refer the license or permit application to the board for review and consideration without recommendation.

Final Board Action on Committee Recommendation

Following review and consideration of an application referred to the Board, it may:

  1. Approve issuance of the license or permit,
  2. Deny the issuance of the license or permit, or
  3. Approve issuance of the license or permit under certain terms or restrictions.

The Board may deny an application for license or permit for any of the following reasons:

  1. Failure to meet the requirements for the license or permit.
  2. Failure to provide accurate and truthful information, or the omission of material information.
  3. For any of the grounds for which the Board may revoke or suspend a license.

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Denial of Licensure – Appeal Process

If the board votes to deny a license or registration, the board issues a written Preliminary Notice of Denial that outlines the reasons for the denial. An applicant who receives a Preliminary Notice of Denial may appeal the notice and request an appeal hearing. 

At the appeal hearing, the applicant has the burden to show the board of their qualifications for licensure. After the hearing, the board may grant the license, grant the license with restrictions, or deny the license. If an applicant does not appeal a Preliminary Notice of Denial, the denial automatically becomes final within 30 days of mailing the decision. Both the Preliminary Notice of Denial and Final Decision of the board are public records.

List items for Dental Board Application & Renewal Fees

Iowa Dental Board

The Iowa Dental Board licenses and regulates the practice of dentistry, dental hygiene & dental assisting in Iowa.

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