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Board Overview


The Iowa Board of Pharmacy promotes, preserves, and protects the public health, safety, and welfare by fostering the provision of pharmaceutical care to all Iowans through the effective regulation of the practice of pharmacy, the operation of pharmacies, the appropriate utilization of pharmacy technicians, the distribution of prescription medications and devices, and the education and training of pharmacists.


In order to protect the public health, the Iowa Board of Pharmacy assumes a leadership role in developing, implementing, and enforcing appropriate minimum standards of care and related requirements for the safe practice of pharmacy in Iowa. The Board continuously strives to provide optimal service to the public and the profession by utilizing its resources in an efficient, effective, responsive and open manner. By its actions, the Iowa Board of Pharmacy demonstrates a balanced and sensible approach to regulation.


The Iowa Board of Pharmacy leads by promoting the provision of comprehensive pharmaceutical care to all Iowans. The Iowa Board of Pharmacy achieves this by building creative alliances, encouraging pharmacist empowerment and innovative pharmacy practice, and supporting the concept of collaborative practice among health care providers.


The Board is responsible for regulating the practice of pharmacy and the legal distribution and dispensing of prescription drugs and precursor substances throughout the State. The responsibilities of the Board include but are not limited to:

  • Licensing of qualified applicants to the practice of pharmacy by examination, renewal, and reciprocity.
  • Administering a continuing education program to ensure continued competency of individuals licensed by the Board to practice pharmacy.
  • Regulating the legal distribution of prescription drugs through the licensing of pharmacies and wholesalers.
  • Regulating the legal distribution of controlled substances through the registration of authorized persons and entities engaged in the manufacture and distribution of controlled substances throughout the state.
  • Registering pharmacist-interns and administering an internship program to prepare individuals for the practice of pharmacy.
  • Registering pharmacy technicians assisting in the technical functions of the practice of pharmacy.
  • Performing compliance investigations and audits of all persons or entities registered, and compliance inspections and investigations of any persons or entities licensed or registered with the Board. These investigations and audits are conducted to ensure accountability for all controlled substances and to ensure compliance with laws regulating the practice of pharmacy and the distribution of prescription drugs and devices in Iowa.
  • Regulating the legal distribution of precursor substances through the issuance of permits to vendors and recipients of precursory substances throughout the state.
  • Instituting disciplinary actions, hearings, contested cases, issuing decisions and orders, and enforcing the terms of disciplinary orders filed against licensees, registrants, or permit holders.

Board Members

The members of the Board of Pharmacy are appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Iowa Senate. Board members who are appointed serve for a three-year term beginning May 1.  Those who are appointed to complete an unexpired term begin serving at the time of the appointment. Board members may serve up to three terms, no more than nine years in total. Click here for more information about Board of Pharmacy members.

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Meeting Schedule

List items for Board of Pharmacy Scheduled Meeting Dates

Below are the dates on which the Board of Pharmacy and its committees have scheduled meetings, teleconferences, or hearings.

  • Meeting dates are subject to change.

Meeting and hearing agendas will be posted to the DIAL Public Meeting Calendar approximately one (1) week before the meeting date. 

  • Agendas are subject to change and may be posted no later than 24 hours before the scheduled start time of a meeting.

If this embedded calendar is not working in your browser, please visit this public calendar to view it on
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Laws & Rules for the Board of Pharmacy, Controlled Substances, Prescribing

List items for Laws & Rules for the Board of Pharmacy

Below are the statutes and administrative rules that pertain directly to the practice of pharmacy, pharmaceuticals, distribution, and prescribing in Iowa.

Iowa Code & Administrative Rules for Licensing Boards

The following Iowa Code chapters and administrative rules apply to licensing boards within the department.

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