You must submit an application to obtain an Iowa associate appraiser license. 


Login or Create an Account

Login to the licensing portal to start an application. 

NOTE: if you have had a license prior as either a real estate appraiser or real estate salesperson/broker you have an account and will need to log into that account.


Submit RE Background Check Packet Request

You must submit a RE Background Packet Request prior to submitting your licensure application. After logging in to the licensing portal, click on "Submit Application/Renew" to get started. 


Submit Associate Appraiser Registration

Once you are logged into your personal licensing portal, click on "Submit Application/Renew" to start an application. 


Complete Application Checklist

After you create the application, move to the next step and complete the application checklist. From the application page, click on "Complete Checklist" and answer all required questions. 


Upload Required Course Completion Certificates

Upload the required course completion certificates to the application. From the application page, click on "Upload Submissions." NOTE: this includes the supervisor/trainee course for both applicant and supervisor.

Instructions on how to upload submissions are below:

  1. Click on “Upload” under the "Actions" column.  
  2. Click on “Choose File.”
  3. Select the file that you are intending to upload and click on “Open” in the pop-up box. 
  4. Click on “Upload” again.
  5. A message should appear in yellow stating "Attachment uploaded successfully."  
  6. Click on “Save” at the bottom of the page before you leave the Manage Submissions page.

Submit Application for Review

After you have completed the submissions section, you must submit the application. Click on "Submit Application" and answer the prompted questions to finalize your application for staff review. 

NOTE: status of application will change from “Pending” to “Pending Internal Review”.


Pay Application Fee

From the application page, click on "Pay Fees."


Registration Issued

Notification of registration number will be sent via e-mail; no paper copy is mailed.