
Health Facilities & Programs
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Overview of the Council and Certificate of Need Review

State Health Facilities Council

The council is a five-member committee appointed by the Governor. The members each serve a six-year term. Authority for the State Health Facilities Council is in the Code of Iowa Chapter 10A.711 - 10A.729. It is the council's mandate to ensure that growth and changes in the health care system are orderly and cost effective, and that the system is adequate and efficient.

Go to the State Health Facilities Council page for more information. 

Certificate of Need

Certificate of Need (CON) is a review process that requires an application for, and receipt of, a certificate of need. Applications are submitted to the Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing (DIAL) before offering or developing a new or changed health service. Potential applicants include hospitals, nursing facilities, ambulatory surgery centers or anyone purchasing medical equipment costing more than $1.5 million. Department staff and the State Health Facilities Council review proposed projects against criteria established in Iowa law.

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Council Meetings

Following are the dates of the scheduled meetings of the State Health Facilities Council and the accompanying deadlines for filing a letter of intent, an application for consideration or a reviewability determination. A letter of intent must be on file for a minimum of 30 days prior to filing an application. These documents are due by 4:00 p.m. on the appointed date.   

Note: Filing an application by the deadline is not a guarantee that the application will be heard at that meeting. The completeness of the application and the number of applications on file will be factors. It is best to file an application as early as possible. 

The council will schedule additional meetings if needed. Please note that this schedule is subject to change.

Meeting and Submission Deadlines

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Letters of Intent & Applications on File

Note: Letters of intent are kept on file for one year after the date of submission or update.

List items for Letters of Intent & Applications on File

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Certificate of Need Submission Guidelines

List items for Guidelines

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Applications & Forms

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Laws & Rules for Certificate of Need

List items for Laws & Rules for Certificate of Need

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Other Information

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