
Other Professional Licensure

Engineers and land surveyors in Iowa are licensed and regulated by the Engineering and Land Surveying Examining Board. The Professional Licensing Bureau is a resource for information about disciplinary action, license renewals, helpful resources, and more.

My Iowa PLB

Apply for and Renew Licenses

Certified Public Accountants, Licensed Public Accountants, Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Landscape Architects.

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Application Forms & Resources

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Forms and resources for use by applicants for a professional engineering or land surveying license in Iowa.

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Renewal Overview

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When a license is eligible for renewal, licensees have a few options for how to proceed. Below are summaries of those options.

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Laws & Rules for Engineers and Land Surveyors

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Below are the statutes and administrative rules that pertain directly to the practice of engineering and land surveying in Iowa.

Iowa Code & Administrative Rules for Other Professional Licenses

The following Iowa Code chapters and administrative rules apply to licensing boards within the department.

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