
Other Professional Licensure

The Architectural Examining Board was created in 1927 and the Code was amended to provide a practice Act in 1961. The practice of architecture affects the public health, safety and welfare and is subject to regulation and control in the public interest.  Both the board and licensed architects strive at all times to protect the public interest by promoting the highest standards of architecture.

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Individual Licenses

My Iowa PLB

Apply for and Renew Licenses

Certified Public Accountants, Licensed Public Accountants, Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Landscape Architects.

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Firm/Business Entity Licenses

Iowa no longer registers firms; it only registers individual architects. Any architectural work done in Iowa must be completed by or under the responsible charge of an Iowa–licensed architect.

The Board does not have any limits on the type or ownership of the company. Contact Iowa Economic Development and the Iowa Secretary of State for general business regulations.

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Other Applications

The following applications are also available online. Log into your account to complete the application checklist and submit for review:

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Renewal Overview

List items for Renewal Overview for Prof. Licenses 60 Days

When a license is eligible for renewal, licensees have a few options for how to proceed. Below are summaries of those options.

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Laws & Rules for Architects

List items for Laws & Rules for Architecture

Below are the statutes and administrative rules that pertain directly to the practice of architecture in Iowa.

Iowa Code & Administrative Rules for Other Professional Licenses

The following Iowa Code chapters and administrative rules apply to licensing boards within the department.

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How to File a Complaint

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