
Other Professional Licensure
Hearing & Speech

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Changes to Licensing Requirements: Audiologists and Hearing Aid Specialists

2024 Iowa Acts, SF 2385

On May 17, 2024, Governor Reynolds signed 2024 Iowa Acts, SF 2385 into law. The Act made changes to boards, commissions, councils and other entities in state government. The Act included changes to Iowa Code chapter 154A, the statute that governs the practice of hearing aid specialists in Iowa. Oversight of the profession transitioned from the Board of Hearing Aid Specialists to the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing.

Under this Act, Iowa licensed audiologists are no longer required to hold a separate hearing aid specialist license to dispense hearing aids and can now dispense under their audiology license. Audiologists will be required to follow the rules and regulations established for hearing aid dispensing.

List items for Renewal (HHS/PL)


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Laws & Rules

List items for Laws & Rules for Speech Pathology and Audiology

Below are the statutes and administrative rules that pertain directly to the practice of speech pathology and audiology in Iowa.

Iowa Code & Administrative Rules for Licensing Boards

The following Iowa Code chapters and administrative rules apply to licensing boards within the department.

About the Board of Speech Pathology and Audiology

We evaluate the qualifications of applicants for licensure and grants licenses to those who qualify.

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