The mission of the Iowa Real Estate Commission is to protect the public through the examination, licensing, and regulation of real estate brokers, salespersons, and firms pursuant to Iowa Code Chapter 543B.
The Commission is a policy-making body with authority to promulgate rules for the regulation of the real estate industry consistent with all applicable statutes. Rules promulgated by the Commission are published under Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 193E.
To view the current appointed Board members or to apply to become a Board Member, please visit:
The following chapters from Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) 193 and IAC 481 apply to professional licensing boards within the Department of Inspections, Appeals, Inspections, and Licensing.
Rulemaking notices, along with adopted rule changes, are published in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin.
The preamble for each notice includes a summary of the proposed rule changes. The notice includes information about how to submit public comment when applicable. All comments are forwarded to the board for review prior to making a final decision on the outcome of rule change proposals.