Any nurse working with children and/or dependent adults is a mandatory reporter. It is important to note that "working with" does not always mean β€œhands on nursing care." This may mean observation or treatment of a child or dependent adult. Nurses providing care to dependent adults or children in Iowa must take a mandatory reporter course.

Who Needs to Take this Course?

  • If you ONLY provide care to children, you must take mandatory reporting for children.
  • If you ONLY provide care to dependent adults, you must take mandatory reporting for adults.
  • If you care for BOTH, you must complete both mandatory reporting courses.
  • If you DO NOT provide care for either, you don't need to take mandatory reporting courses. If this is the case, your employer can provide documentation stating you do not work with these populations.

Documentation of completion of the course is due upon renewal of licensure. If audited, you must submit completion documentation.

Approved Mandatory Reporter Courses

The only approved courses for mandatory reporting come from one of two places:

  • If you took mandatory reporting before July 1, 2019, you took the Iowa Department of Public Health course. Your certificate lasts for five years.
  • If you took mandatory reporting after July 1, 2019, you took the Iowa Department of Human Services course. Your certificate lasts for three years.
    • Please note: This is the approved course moving forward.

Completion of each course counts as two contact hours for continuing education.

  • Please note: The certificate will state 2.4 social work credits.

For more information, visit the HHS Mandatory Reporter Information webpage.