Apply for reactivation and pay online using the online licensing portal.
Apply & Pay the Reactivation Fee
You may pay the fee online. All application fees are nonrefundable. The reactivation fees are as follows:
- Barbering and Cosmetology Arts & Sciences Licenses: $120
- Barbering and Cosmetology Arts & Sciences Establishments: $144
- Barbering and Cosmetology Arts & Sciences Schools: $330
Continuing Education Requirements
Before signing up for an online or in-person continuing education course, review Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) 481—944(157) to ensure the program meets the requirements outlined in board rules. The certificate of completion should clearly indicate an authorized sponsor or course provider.
In the event your license becomes inactive, before resuming practice in Iowa, you will need to submit an application for reactivation, evidence of required continuing education, and the reactivation fee. For more information, please review IAC 481—940.9(157) to determine the amount of continuing education required.
License(s) inactive for less than five years: Regular continuing education requirements for renewal.
- A minimum six hours continuing education per license.
License(s) inactive for more than five years: Double the continuing education requirements for renewal.
- A minimum of 12 hours continuing education per license.
Note: Licensees cannot apply extensions or exemptions to reactivation applications.
Continuing Education Requirements: No Instructor's License
- First renewal period after receiving initial license: Exempt from continuing education requirements.
- One active license related to Barbering and Cosmetology Arts & Sciences: Six hours of continuing education. The total number of continuing education hours must include the following:
- A minimum if four hours specific to the license discipline; and
- A minimum of two hours in the areas of Iowa barbering & cosmetology laws, rules and infection control.
- Two active licenses related to Barbering and Cosmetology Arts & Sciences: 10 hours of continuing education. The total number of continuing education hours must include the following:
- A minimum of four hours each, eight hours in total, specific to each license discipline; and
- A minimum of two hours in the areas of Iowa barbering & cosmetology laws, rules and infection control.
- Three active licenses related to Barbering and Cosmetology Arts & Sciences: 14 hours of continuing education. The total number of continuing education hours must include the following:
- A minimum of four hours each, 12 hours in total, specific to each license discipline; and
- A minimum of two hours in the areas of Iowa barbering & cosmetology laws, rules and infection control.
Continuing Education Requirements: Holds an Instructor's License
In addition to the requirements outlined above, based on the number of active licenses held, instructors wishing to renew the instructor’s license must also complete six continuing education in teaching methodology.
- An instructor with one active license related to Barbering and Cosmetology Arts & Sciences: 12 hours of continuing education. The total number must include the following:
- A minimum of six hours in the area of the license discipline; and
- A minimum of six hours in teaching methodology.
- An instructor with two active licenses related to Barbering and Cosmetology Arts & Sciences: 16 hours of continuing education. The total number must include the following:
- A minimum of 10 hours in the areas of the license disciplines; and
- A minimum of six hours in teaching methodology.
Applicants Licensed in Another State
Verification of Licensure
Applicants who are licensed in another state must provide a verification of license from the jurisdiction in which the applicant has most recently been licensed. The license verification must be sent directly from the licensing jurisdiction to the board office. Web-based verification may be substituted for written verification from a jurisdiction’s board office if the verification provides the required information.
At a minimum, the license verification must include the following:
- Licensee Name
- License Number
- Issue Date
- Expiration Date
- License Status
- The license status needs to include information about any pending or past disciplinary action.
The license verification may be printed from another state licensing board’s website if it contains all of the information noted above. If an online verification is not available, the verification must be sent directly from the licensing board(s).
Alternative to Reporting Continuing Education Hours
Applicants for reactivation may document active practice in another state in lieu of completing continuing education. To satisfy this alternative requirement, applicants must supply the following:
- Verification of active practice in another state or jurisdiction during the two years immediately prior to the date of application for reactivation.
- The active practice must consist of a minimum of 2,080 hours