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The Local Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Service (LFPEMS) Providers Grant Program was established by Iowa Code chapter 10A.519(7)(b). The grant program is funded with only those monies from the consumer fireworks fee fund which are not needed by the Department of Inspections, Appeals, and Licensing (DIAL) to fulfill the responsibilities for the administration and enforcement of Iowa Code chapters 10A.519 and 10A.520. DIAL will determine a minimal operational carryover balance needed for the next year's start-up fiscal obligations prior to dispersing grant awards.
DIAL may request grant applications be reviewed by the Fire Service and Emergency Response Council during a regular meeting of the council. The director has the sole discretion in determining whether or not to award funds from the grant program and the amount of funds awarded. Recommendations from the Fire Service and Emergency Response Council may be considered by DIAL to avoid conflict of interest.
Back to topAuthorized Applicants
Any local fire protection service provider or local emergency medical service provider in the state of Iowa who complies with NFIRS or EMS reporting requirements of the state may apply for grant funds from the LFPEMS Providers Grant Program. Special programs within a fire department or EMS department may apply for grant monies so long as they are authorized to do so by their respective departments.
Back to topAuthorized Fund Uses
The grant funds from the LFPEMS Providers Grant Program may be used for the following:
- To establish or provide fireworks safety education programming to members of the public.
- To purchase necessary enforcement, protection, or emergency response equipment related to the sale and use of consumer fireworks in this state.
- To purchase necessary enforcement, protection, or emergency response equipment.
Award Priorities
The priority for grant award approvals shall be as follows:
Priority Consideration
- Applications which seek to provide education into fireworks laws, local ordinances related to fireworks, education materials related to fireworks safety, or the prevention of fireworks injuries.
Second Consideration
- Applications which seek equipment used to permit or enforce licensing and site enforcement specifically related to the regulation of consumer fireworks.
- Applications which are related to data collection and research as to injury trends and incidents related to consumer fireworks in Iowa.
- Applications for equipment which will only be used in response to consumer fireworks emergencies.
- Applications which seek medical supplies for the treatment of fireworks related injuries.
- Applications which seek equipment used in response to other fire and medical emergencies.
Grant Application Verification
Grant applications need to provide enough information related to the grant requests to support a specific connection on how the grant is being used to address issues related to consumer fireworks or to fulfill specific department's equipment needs related to necessary enforcement, protection, or emergency response in the department’s community. The agency awarded a grant will provide evidence, or submit to an inspection or audit by DIAL, to determine compliance with the rules and purposes of the grant program, in addition to any other authorized audits.
Back to topWasher-Extractor Information
The program currently has a purchasing agreement for a gear washer-extractor option on the grant application, in addition to the safety education and equipment request options. If a department is interested in the washer-extract, please make sure the department can meet the specification requirements below.
UniMac Cabinet Hardmount Washer Extractor 30lb Capacity
Washer-Extractor Spec Requirements:
- Ideal: floor mop sink
- Acceptable: trough or pit drain
- Not Acceptable: standpipe drainage
- 200-240 volt single phase
- 15 amps
- 120 volt circuit for chemical pump
- Ideal: 3/4" supply line
- Minimum: 1/2" supply line