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Building & Construction

Plan Review Submittals


Construction documents for the following projects are required to be submitted to the Building Code Bureau for plan review regardless of any local code enforcement departments:

  • Any facility housing an adult day service
  • Any assisted living facility
  • Any residential care facility
  • Any elder group home
  • Any facility owned by the state or an agency of the state.
  • Any new building that has state funding
  • Any licensed healthcare facility listed under Iowa Administrative Rules chapter 661-204


  • The Building Code requires wet signed/sealed paper plans that are “100% construction sets”. We do not accept “preliminary” or “not for construction” plans – this is a requirement for paper AND digital plan submittals. If submittals do not meet this criteria, a notification will be sent.
  • Please refer to the Architectural/Engineering Combined Matrix from the Iowa Building Code Official's Handbook to determine when an architect and/or engineer is required for plan review submittals. 
  • Preliminary meeting are conducted prior to the submittal of construction documents for plan review and are held in person or remotely at the discretion of the Construction/Design Engineer assigned to the project.

Construction documents for the following projects should be submitted to the Building Code Bureau for plan review unless the plans have been submitted to a local code enforcement department that is approved by the Department. Check the local building and fire code enforcement lists below.

  • Any educational building or facility serving kindergarten through twelfth grade
  • Any college or university building or facility
  • Any child care facility intended to serve seven or more children at one time
  • Any correctional facility
  • Any gaming facility

Local Building Code Enforcement

These jurisdictions require construction plan reviews to be submitted to their building code enforcement.  Refer to the Plan Review Requirement section for specific projects that must still be submitted to the Building Code Bureau, regardless of local code enforcement.

Local Fire Code Enforcement

These jurisdictions require fire alarm, fire sprinkler, and fire suppression plan reviews to be submitted to their fire code enforcement.  Refer to the Plan Review Requirement section for specific projects that must still be submitted to the Building Code Bureau, regardless of local code enforcement.

  • The Building Code Bureau always reviews state-owned buildings & healthcare facilities.

Plan Review Fees

Architectural plan review fees are based on Iowa Administrative Rules chapter 661-301.4(2). Use the Plan Review Fee Calculation Excel form to estimate your fees. The minimum plan review fee is $200

Fire Alarm & Sprinkler/Suppression Fees
Project Valuation***Plan Review Fee
Up to $5,000$100
$5,001 to $20,000$200
$20,001 and above$400

***project valuation is based on the costs of the fire alarm or fire sprinkler/suppression project only.

Building Inspection Fees 

State Building Code Inspectors perform inspections for new buildings and additions when:

  • The construction is for a building owned by the State of Iowa.
  • The construction is financed by a State of Iowa agency.
  • The local jurisdiction has adopted the State Building Code.
  • The construction is funded by the Secure an Advanced Vision for Education program (Grades K-12) and there is not locally adopted and enforced Building Code.
Base Inspection Fees
Construction Costs**Base Inspection Fee
Up to $100,000$598
$100,001 to $1,000,000$645
$1,000,001 to $10,000,000$722
$10,000,001 and above$783
Follow-Up Inspection$214
Board of Regents (owned by or subject to the authority of)$900

**inspection fees are calculated based on construction project valuation (excluding fire alarm or fire sprinkler/suppression work). 

Additional fees will be incurred if a State Building Inspection is required for any of the following reasons: A code violation during a basic inspection that requires a follow-up inspection to verify that the violations have been corrected. The inspector is scheduled and, upon arrival, the project in ready for the type of inspection requested. A special request is made by the project designer, contract, or owner that is beyond one the three basic inspections. Additional Inspection Fees
Inspection TimeAdditional Inspection Fee
One hour on site$206
One to two hours on site$240
Two to three hours on site$273
Three to four hours on site$307
Four to five hours on site$341
Five to six hours on site$374
  • These additional inspection fees will be billed to the responsible architect or building contractor on a monthly basis.
  • Only temporary approval of occupancy will be granted if unpaid inspections fees remain at the time of the final inspection.

Health Care, Assisted Living, Adult Day Services, and Elder Group Home Inspections

State Building Code Inspectors also perform inspections for:

  • A Health Care Facility as defined by Iowa Code chapter 135C.1 such as but not limited to:
    • Residential Care Facility
    • Nursing Facility
    • Intermediate Care Facility for Person with Mental Illness
    • Intermediate Care Facility for Person with an Intellectual Disability
  • An Elder Group Home as defined by Iowa Code chapter 231B.1.
  • A building serving an Assisted Living Program as defined by Iowa Code chapter 231C.2.
  • A building providing Adult Day Services as defined by Iowa Code chapter 231D.1.
  • Inspection fees are included in the base $900.00 plan review fee.

Fire Code Inspections are conducted separate and distinct from construction inspections by Fire Safety Inspectors. 

Laws & Rules

The Iowa Legislature - Iowa Laws & Rules

Iowa Code encompasses all permanent laws passed by the Iowa legislature and signed by the governor.  Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) contains all administrative rules adopted by State agencies.  When a new law is passed, administrative rules often need to be updated to implement or administer that law.  

State Adopted Codes

National codes recognized and enforced by the Department