If using an online pharmacy, the FDA encourages you to verify its state licensure. The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NAPB) allows you to check accreditation status.
Pharmacists, pharmacist-interns, and technicians with military service who do not meet the requirements for licensure in Iowa can apply for credit for verified military education, training, or service toward any experience or educational requirement for licensure by submitting a military service application form to the board office. Credit may not be given for the examination requirement.
The completed military service application may be submitted with or prior to an application for licensure/registration. There is no fee to submit the military service credit application. The applicant is not required to submit licensure application fees unless the board grants the military service application.
The applicant shall provide documents, military transcripts, a certified affidavit, or forms that verify completion of the relevant military education, training, or service, which may include Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty (DD Form 214) or Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET-DD Form 2586).
List items for Pharmacy Military Service & Veteran Reciprocity Details
A veteran with an unrestricted professional license in another jurisdiction may apply for pharmacist licensure by license transfer. A veteran must pass any examinations required for licensure to be eligible for licensure through reciprocity.
An application for licensure transfer shall contain all of the information required of all applicants for licensure who hold unrestricted licenses in other jurisdictions and who are applying for licensure transfer, including but not limited to completion of all required forms, payment of applicable fees, disclosure of criminal or disciplinary history, and, if applicable, a criminal history background check. In addition, the applicant shall provide a current military ID or Verification of Military Experience and Training (VMET-DD Form 2586) or any such documentation as is reasonably needed to verify the applicant’s status as a veteran under Iowa Code section 35.1(2).
The board will consider the following factors in determining substantial equivalence: scope of practice, education and coursework, degree requirements, and postgraduate experiences. If the board determines that the licensing/registration requirements in the jurisdiction in which the applicant is licensed are not substantially equivalent to those required in Iowa, the board shall promptly inform the applicant of the additional experience, education, or examinations required for licensure/registration in Iowa. A provisional license may be issued for a specified period of time to allow the applicant an opportunity to obtain the additional experience or education required.
A fully completed application for licensure shall be given priority and shall be expedited. Applicants can indicate their military service or veteran status on the application.
"Military service" means honorably serving on federal active duty, state active duty, or national guard duty as defined in Iowa Code section 29A.1; in the military services of other states as provided in 10 U.S.C. section 101(c); or the organized reserves of the United States as provided in 10 U.S.C.
"Veteran" means an individual who meets the definition of "Veteran" in Iowa Code section 35.1(2)
Administrative rules implement or interpret law, prescribe policy, or describe the organization, procedure, or practice requirements of an executive branch agency. The complete Iowa Board of Pharmacy rules are contained in 657 Iowa Administrative Code.
The Iowa Code are permanent laws enacted by the Iowa General Assembly.
List items for Laws & Rules for the Board of Pharmacy
Below are the statutes and administrative rules that pertain directly to the practice of pharmacy, pharmaceuticals, distribution, and prescribing in Iowa.
The Petition for Waiver form is not to be used for requesting an exemption from the mandate for electronic transmission of prescriptions. Please submit the Petition for Exemption form found on the webpage for the Mandate for Electronic Transmission of Prescriptions.
The Board may grant a waiver from all or part of a rule. No waiver may be granted from a requirement that is imposed by statute. Any waiver must be consistent with state and federal statutes. The procedures for waiver of Board rules are found in 657—Chapter 34.
The decision on whether the circumstances identified in the petition justify the granting of a waiver shall be made at the discretion of the Board upon consideration of all relevant factors. The petitioner shall assume the burden of persuasion when a petition is filed for waiver from a Board rule. A petition for waiver shall be submitted in writing to the Board. The Petition for Waiver form is available as an online form and will be submitted directly to Board staff after completion.
The cutoff for inclusion on the Board's agenda is two weeks prior to a scheduled board meeting. Requests received after the cutoff will have to wait for the following Board meeting (i.e. deadline for March 12 meeting is Feb. 27; a request received on Feb. 28 would not go before the Board until the next meeting).
List items for Petition for Waiver
A waiver is when the board determines that a rule, or a portion of a rule, does not need to be followed due to the petitioner’s unique situation.
The board determines during deliberation how long a rule should be waived for the unique situation. In general, the board does not approve waivers for longer than five years.
Any rule can be considered for waiver by the board, unless the requirement of the rule is specifically identified in the Iowa Code.
A petition for waiver must be submitted via the board’s online petition form. Upon submission, the petition is forwarded to the board's rules coordinator for initial review in advance of the board’s review.
Your presence (in person or by virtual attendance) is preferred, but not required. It is generally helpful for the board to have the petitioner present to answer any questions the board might have about the petition. If the board has questions and there is no representative available to answer questions, the general consensus is to delay consideration of the petition until the next regular meeting or to deny the petition entirely.
A petition for waiver must be submitted via the board’s online petition form at least two weeks before the next regularly scheduled open session board meeting. If the petition is complete, the board will review the petition at the board meeting. The board will deliberate the petition and usually vote at the conclusion of the deliberation, unless the board determines more information is needed in order to consider the petition. If the petitioner is present for the board meeting, they will learn the outcome immediately. The petitioner will be notified via email by the rules coordinator within 3 business days following the board meeting with the board’s decision. The petitioner will also receive written notification of the board’s decision within 10 business days following the decision.
That cannot be determined. The board must have a completed petition to review and must consider the nature and reason for the rule, how the safety of the public will be protected if the rule is waived for the petitioner, and what harm it may cause other individuals as a result.
As of July 1, 2020, community pharmacies in Iowa can submit electronic claims for reimbursement for naloxone nasal spray prescriptions for Iowa residents 18 years of age or older.