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"Pharmacist-intern" or "intern" means a person enrolled in a college of pharmacy or actively pursuing a pharmacy degree, or as otherwise provided by the Board, who is registered with the Board for the purpose of obtaining instruction in the practice of pharmacy from a preceptor.  “Pharmacist-intern” includes a graduate of an approved college of pharmacy or a foreign graduate who has established educational equivalency. “Pharmacist-intern” may include an individual participating in a residency or fellowship program in Iowa, whether or not the individual is licensed as a pharmacist in another state.

For the pharmacist-intern, the goal of internship is, over a period of time, to attain and build upon the knowledge, skills, responsibilities, and ability to safely, efficiently, and effectively practice pharmacy under the laws and rules of the state of Iowa.

For more information on pharmacist-interns, see Iowa Administrative Code (IAC) 657 Chapter 4

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Registration Information

All application fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable. Once an application is submitted and the fee is paid, the withdrawal of an application, determination of ineligibility based on prior criminal convictions, or discovery of the submission of an incorrect application type does not merit return or refund of the application fee. Do not submit an application if you are unsure of which application type to submit.

Do not send cash.

Who Should Register

  1. Pharmacist-Interns currently enrolled in an ACPE approved college of pharmacy program in the state of Iowa.
  2. Pharmacist-Interns currently enrolled in an ACPE approved college of pharmacy program in another state and acquiring intern experience in Iowa.
  3. Graduates of an approved college of pharmacy acquiring practical experience as a requirement for licensure as a pharmacist in Iowa.

Registration Procedures

When to Register

Every person shall register before beginning their internship, but not before the commencement of the first professional year in a college of pharmacy. Pharmacist-Interns must be registered with a current/active registration before beginning an internship.

How to Register
Step One: Complete the Pharmacist Intern Application

Submit either the online or paper Pharmacist Intern Application. The online or paper application should only be used by applicants that have never been registered as a pharmacist-intern in Iowa and are currently enrolled in a U.S. college of pharmacy or are a graduate of a foreign college of pharmacy seeking pharmacist licensure in Iowa. 

Step Two: Submit Certificate of Eligibility Form

After completing either the online or paper application, the student should send the Certificate of Eligibility form to their School of Pharmacy.  The Certificate of Eligibility form must be submitted to the Iowa Board of Pharmacy directly from the School of Pharmacy via mail.   

The Certificate of Eligibility form should be mailed to the following address:

Iowa Board of Pharmacy
Attn: Intern Licensing Specialist
6200 Park Ave, Ste 100
Des Moines, IA  50321

Fees & Term of Registration

The fee for registration as a pharmacist-intern is $30.

This registration shall remain in effect as long as the board is satisfied that the intern is pursuing a degree in pharmacy in good faith and with reasonable diligence. Intern registration is non-renewable.

Registration shall automatically terminate upon the earliest of any of the following:

  • Licensure to practice pharmacy in any state.
  • Lapse in the pursuit of a degree in pharmacy. 
  • One year following graduation from the college of pharmacy.

Duties & Functions

A licensed pharmacist shall be on duty in the pharmacy and is responsible for the actions of a pharmacist-intern during all periods of internship training. A pharmacist-intern may perform the duties of a pharmacist under the discretion and direct supervision of the supervising pharmacist. The supervising pharmacist may delegate clinical and judgmental functions to a registered pharmacist-intern appropriate to the pharmacist–intern’s level of education and training. The pharmacist-intern shall be so designated in all relationships with the public and health professionals. While on duty in the pharmacy, the pharmacist-intern shall wear a name badge that is visible to the public and includes the designation “pharmacist-intern,” “pharmacy student,” or “student-pharmacist.”

Reporting Hours

Upon registration with the Board, pharmacist-interns will be provided with a registration certificate. The registered pharmacist-intern must be able to provide the certificate to verify registration any time the pharmacist-intern is practicing in a pharmacy. Registration certificates may be downloaded from the intern’s board of pharmacy user profile.

Credit for internship cannot be granted unless registration and other required records and affidavits are completed. Credit will not be given for internship experience obtained prior to registration as a pharmacist-intern.

The Board, following notification from an Iowa-located college of pharmacy, will certify all internship hours provided by successful completion of a college of pharmacy program in Iowa.  

A pharmacist-intern that wishes to accumulate and record internship training hours in Iowa in excess of the practical experience requirements of the college of pharmacy (externship/rotations) shall complete and submit notarized affidavits of experience. These affidavits shall certify only the number of hours and dates of training obtained outside a college-based clinical program as provided in IAC 657 Chapter 4.3 (155A). For further instructions, please contact the intern licensing specialist. 

Preceptor Requirements

A preceptor shall be a licensed pharmacist in good standing in the state where the internship is to be served pursuant to the definition of pharmacist preceptor in IAC 657 Chapter 4.1 (155A). For the purpose of internship, a preceptor may supervise no more than two pharmacist-interns concurrently. A preceptor shall be responsible for all functions performed by a pharmacist-intern. A preceptor shall be responsible for completing the affidavit certifying the number of hours and the dates of each internship training period under the supervision of the preceptor for any period of internship completed outside a college-based clinical program.

License Verifications and Certification of Internship Hours

License verification requests and/or Certification of internship hour requests need to be received in writing with a processing fee of $15 payable by check or money order to the Iowa Board of Pharmacy.  Requests should include a stamped, addressed envelope indicating where the verification should be sent to.

Your request, fee of $15 and stamped, addressed envelope should be sent to:

Iowa Board of Pharmacy
Attn: Pharmacist-Intern Licensing Specialist
6200 Park Ave, Ste 100
Des Moines, IA  50321

Foreign Pharmacy Graduates

Candidates shall register with the board as provided in IAC 657 Chapter 4.6 (155A). Internship credit will not be granted until the candidate has been issued an intern registration. Applications for registration shall be accompanied by certification from the Foreign Pharmacy Graduate Examination Committee (FPGEC) as provided in IAC 657 Chapter 4.7 subrule 2.10 (1).

Foreign pharmacy graduates who are candidates for licensure in Iowa will be required to obtain a minimum of 1500 hours of internship in a pharmacy licensed in a state or territory of the United States or other board-approved location that provides experience in community, institutional, and clinical pharmacy practices.

Following completion of any period of internship, internship hours shall be certified to the board by submission of notarized affidavits of experience as provided in paragraph 4.6(4)“c.”

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Disclosure of Medical Conditions, Criminal History, and Disciplinary Action

List items for Pharmacy Board Application Disclosures

The initial and renewal applications ask about any medical conditions the applicant has that might impair the applicant’s ability to perform delegated functions. 

The Board also considers any prior criminal history and disciplinary actions when issuing licenses and registrations. As part of the application process, you will be asked questions about prior criminal history and disciplinary actions.

If you have any questions concerning these requirements, please notify the Board office. If any of these situations pertain to you, there may be delays in processing your application. Please contact the Board office for information as to what documentation may be necessary for registration. Contacting the Board office about any of these situations may avoid unnecessary delays issuing your registration.

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Notifications to the Board

List items for Pharmacy Board Notifications to the Board

Individuals are required to report to the Board, within ten days, a change of name, address, or email.

Changes to your address, email address, phone number, or employment may be made through your online profile.

Name changes can be made using the Individual Licensee/Registrant Online Notification of Name Change form. To change your name you must attach a copy of the legal name change document (name change petition, marriage certificate, divorce decree, etc.).

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