A technician trainee is an individual who assists in the technical functions of the practice of pharmacy, enabling the pharmacist to provide pharmaceutical care to the patient. The supervising pharmacist is responsible for the actions of a technician trainee.

A person who seeks to work in an Iowa pharmacy, either to receive on-site training or as part of a college-based accredited technician training program, must obtain a pharmacy technician trainee registration prior to working in the secured pharmacy area. Failure to obtain registration prior to working in a pharmacy is grounds for public discipline.

Iowa Administrative Code 657 provides the rules that the Board uses to govern the practice of pharmacy in Iowa. Iowa Administrative Code 657 Chapter 3 contains specific rules regarding technicians.

Application Information

Beginning July 1, 2021, any person not currently registered with the Board as pharmacy technician is required to obtain registration prior to commencement of employment in an Iowa pharmacy as a pharmacy technician.

Applications are only valid for 45 days from the date of receipt. You will be notified by email if additional information is required. If the application has not been completed within 45 days, a new application and fee will have to be submitted if you wish to obtain an Iowa technician registration.

Failure to answer all questions completely or accurately, and/or omission or falsification of material facts may be cause for denial of your application, or disciplinary action if you are subsequently registered by the Board. If you are in doubt, answer “yes” and provide an explanation.

Submit the completed application with any required documentation and a check or money order payable to the Iowa Board of Pharmacy.

  • Do not send cash.
  • Cash and debit/credit cards payments are not accepted by mail or when dropping off an application at the office.  

An individual who fails to register as a technician trainee may be subject to public discipline.

Registration Renewal or Reactivation

A technician trainee who is unable to complete national pharmacy technician certification prior to the expiration of the trainee registration may seek renewal of the registration in exceptional circumstances and will be treated on a case-by-case basis. To the extent practicable, the trainee should submit an application and nonrefundable fee for technician trainee renewal at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the registration.

A technician trainee who was previously registered and left the practice of pharmacy prior to obtaining national pharmacy technician certification may seek reactivation of the registration. The individual must submit an application and nonrefundable fee for technician trainee reactivation

Renewals/Reactivations are not automatically issued. All applications will be reviewed for completeness and a determination of approval of exceptional circumstances will be made based on evaluation by Board staff, unless the application warrants referral to the Board.

Duties and Functions

Using the pharmacy’s established policies and procedures and the supervising pharmacist’s professional judgment, a supervising pharmacist may delegate any technical or nontechnical functions in the operation of the pharmacy (except those prohibited by Iowa Administrative Code 657 Chapter 3.23) to an appropriately trained and registered pharmacy technician. 

Prohibited Duties and Functions

A pharmacy technician trainee is not authorized to perform any of the following functions:

  1. Except for a certified pharmacy technician participating in an approved technician product verification program pursuant to Iowa Administrative Code 657 Chapter 40, provide the final verification for the accuracy, validity, completeness, or appropriateness of a filled prescription or medication order.
  2. Conduct prospective drug use review or evaluate a patient’s medication record for purposes identified in rule Iowa Administrative Code 657 Chapter 8.21(155A).
  3. Provide patient counseling, consultation, or patient-specific drug information, tender an offer of patient counseling on behalf of a pharmacist, or accept a refusal of patient counseling from a patient or patient’s agent.
  4. Make decisions that require a pharmacist’s professional judgment, such as interpreting prescription drug orders or applying information.
  5. Transfer a prescription drug order for a controlled substance to another pharmacy or receive the transfer of a prescription drug order for a controlled substance from another pharmacy.
  6. Delegate technical functions to a pharmacy support person.
  7. Accept new prescription drug orders or medication orders communicated to the pharmacy by a prescriber or the prescriber’s agent. 
  8. Transfer or receive by transfer by any means the original prescription drug order information or prescription refill information of a prescription for any substance.

Technician Employment

Iowa rule requires that a registration be issued prior to commencing work in a secured pharmacy department. 

Employment means that you have been hired by a pharmacy to perform the duties of a pharmacy technician, not necessarily that you have actually started working in the secured pharmacy area. On the application, please identify the pharmacy that has hired you and the anticipated start date to begin working in the secured pharmacy area. If you have already started working in the secured pharmacy area, you must indicate the exact date that you started working in that capacity. As a reminder, you should not begin work in the secured pharmacy area until registered with the board. Please be advised that applications can take 5-7 business days upon receipt of application to process and should be taken into consideration at the time of hire. If you continue employment as a pharmacy technician without a current registration, you (as well as the pharmacy and pharmacist in charge) may be subject to public discipline.

If you have been working for the company in another capacity, or working in the secured pharmacy area in another pharmacy position, but are just now to begin the duties of a pharmacy technician, indicate the anticipated start date you will begin or the actual start date you began to perform the duties of a technician, not the initial date you were hired to work elsewhere with the company or to work in the pharmacy in another position.

You must indicate the licensed Iowa pharmacy where you have been hired, even if you have not started employment.

Disclosure of Medical Conditions, Criminal History, and Disciplinary Action

List items for Pharmacy Board Application Disclosures

The initial and renewal applications ask about any medical conditions the applicant has that might impair the applicant’s ability to perform delegated functions. 

The Board also considers any prior criminal history and disciplinary actions when issuing licenses and registrations. As part of the application process, you will be asked questions about prior criminal history and disciplinary actions.

If you have any questions concerning these requirements, please notify the Board office. If any of these situations pertain to you, there may be delays in processing your application. Please contact the Board office for information as to what documentation may be necessary for registration. Contacting the Board office about any of these situations may avoid unnecessary delays issuing your registration.

Notifications to the Board

List items for Pharmacy Board Notifications to the Board

Individuals are required to report to the Board, within ten days, a change of name, address, or email.

Changes to your address, email address, phone number, or employment may be made through your online profile.

Name changes can be made using the Individual Licensee/Registrant Online Notification of Name Change form. To change your name you must attach a copy of the legal name change document (name change petition, marriage certificate, divorce decree, etc.).