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The pharmacist in charge of an Iowa-licensed nonresident pharmacy who is not currently actively licensed to practice pharmacy in Iowa is required to register with the Board.  If the pharmacist in charge should choose to pursue pharmacist licensure in Iowa, information can be found on the pharmacist licensing page.

Iowa Code 155A.13A(2) requires that the pharmacist who is the pharmacist in charge of the nonresident pharmacy be designated as such on the nonresident pharmacy license application or renewal.

The PIC of a nonresident pharmacy is required to comply with all the requirements of 657 IAC Chapter 19, 657 IAC Chapter 8, and any other Board rules relating to the services that are provided by the pharmacy to patients in Iowa.

Please familiarize yourself with the applicable rules and laws regarding the practice of pharmacy and responsibilities of the PIC in Iowa prior to the submission of any application.

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Pharmacist in Charge (PIC) Changes

Each pharmacy shall have one pharmacist in charge (PIC). The primary responsibilities of the PIC are identified in the following rules:

The PIC is ultimately responsible for establishing and implementing policies and procedures for all operations of the pharmacy and for ensuring the pharmacy operations and practices comply with all requirements of federal and state pharmacy and drug laws, rules, and regulations.

A part-time PIC has the same obligations and responsibilities as a full-time PIC.

A PIC is responsible for ensuring a complete inventory of controlled substances is taken at the close of business for any PIC change.  If the start date of the incoming PIC is different than the end date of the outgoing PIC, an inventory must also be completed prior to the open of business upon assuming the duties of PIC.

If a permanent PIC has been identified at the time of a vacancy of the position, a pharmacy PIC change application identifying the new PIC, along with the nonrefundable fee, is required to be submitted to the Board within ten (10) days of the change.

If a permanent PIC has not been identified at the time of the vacancy of the position, a temporary PIC shall be identified. Notification identifying the temporary PIC, on the PIC Change - Notification for Temporary PIC Change, must be submitted to the Board within ten (10) days of the vacancy. The temporary PIC of a nonresident pharmacy is not required to be Iowa-licensed or registered. The pharmacy shall, within 90 days of the vacancy, identify a permanent PIC and submit an application for PIC change and nonresident PIC registration, if needed, along with the nonrefundable fee(s) associated with the pharmacy license change. 

Penalty fees will be assessed for late submissions.  

The old license(s) must be returned to the Board office within ten (10) days of receiving the updated license certificate.

Please refer to the Pharmacy Business License page for the most current applications. Using the most current application ensures that all necessary information is appropriately captured and/or provided. 

A pharmacy license is issued in the name of the PIC and is not assignable or transferable.

Nonresident pharmacy

Nonresident Pharmacy PIC - 657 IAC Chapter 19.3 (155A)

A change of permanent PIC for a nonresident pharmacy requires registration of the new permanent PIC if the pharmacist in charge is not currently registered by the Board or licensed to practice pharmacy in Iowa.  

A registered PIC of a nonresident pharmacy is required to notify the board in writing within ten (10) days of any change of information included on the registration application, including the pharmacist’s name, contact information, home state license or registration information or status, and place of employment.

If a registered PIC ceases to be the pharmacist in charge of an Iowa-licensed nonresident pharmacy, the pharmacist may request that the registration be canceled.  The registration will not be automatically canceled upon notification of a PIC or employment change. 

Iowa Code 155A.13A(2) states that the pharmacist who is the pharmacist in charge of the nonresident pharmacy shall be designated as such on the nonresident pharmacy license application or renewal.

The permanent PIC of a nonresident pharmacy must supply their Statement of Credit from CPE Monitor as proof of course completion. If course credit submission to  CPE Monitor is waived, the system will not generate a certificate (Statement of Credit).

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Interim PIC Changes

A pharmacy which is without its permanent pharmacist in charge, due to an extended leave of absence but who is not vacating the position, may identify an Interim PIC for a period of time not to exceed 120 days. In the even that a nonresident pharmacy identifies an Interim PIC, the pharmacy must notify the Board on the PIC Change - Notification for Interim PIC Change form. Notification of Interim PIC does not require a PIC Change application or fee. Identification and notification of an Interim PIC will not result in a permanent change of the pharmacy’s license. The purpose of the Interim PIC notification is to identify a contact person for the Board in the absence of the permanent PIC.

If the permanent PIC leave of absence will extend beyond 120 days, the pharmacy must initiate a permanent PIC change in accordance with 657 IAC 8.35, via PIC Change application and nonrefundable fee. 

Nonresident Pharmacies

An interim PIC is not required to be licensed or registered with the Board.

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Iowa Pharmacy Law Boot Camp

In addition to submitting the required application, nonresident PICs seeking registration must complete the most current educational training module approved by the Board regarding the Board’s rules as they relate to nonresident pharmacy practice.

The permanent PIC of a nonresident pharmacy must complete the Iowa Pharmacy Law Boot Camp: Education for Iowa Nonresident Pharmacists as a condition for registration. The permanent PIC of a nonresident pharmacy must supply their Statement of Credit from CPE Monitor as proof of course completion. If course credit submission to CPE Monitor is waived, the system will not generate a certificate (Statement of Credit).

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Renewals and Voluntary Cancellations

The registration of a pharmacist in charge at a nonresident pharmacy is required to be renewed or canceled prior to January 1 of each year.

If the registration of a pharmacist in charge has not been renewed or canceled prior to expiration, but the pharmacist is in the process of renewing the registration, the registration becomes delinquent on January 1. A pharmacist in charge who submits a completed registration renewal application, application fee, and late penalty fee of $75 postmarked or delivered to the board office by January 31 will not not be subject to disciplinary action for continuing to serve as pharmacist in charge without a current registration in the month of January.

If the registration of a pharmacist in charge has not been renewed prior January 31, the nonresident pharmacy may not continue to provide services to Iowa patients. A nonresident pharmacy that continues to provide services to Iowa patients without a currently registered pharmacist in charge may be subject to disciplinary sanctions.

If a registered pharmacist in charge ceases to be the pharmacist in charge of an Iowa-licensed nonresident pharmacy, the pharmacist may voluntarily request that the registration be canceled and the pharmacist shall not be subject to the inactive registration and reactivation procedure as identified in paragraph 19.3(3)“b.”

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Notifications to the Board

Individuals are required to report to the Board, within ten days, a change of name, address, or email.

Changes to your address, email address, phone number, or employment may be made through your online profile.

Name changes can be made using the Individual Licensee/Registrant Online Notification of Name Change form. To change your name you must attach a copy of the legal name change document (name change petition, marriage certificate, divorce decree, etc.).

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