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A farmers market is a marketplace that operates seasonally, mainly as a common market for Iowa-produced farm products, as well as on a retail basis for off-the-premises consumption.
Back to topLicense Types
Certain items can only be sold at a farmers market with a valid food license. Any potentially hazardous food can be sold at a farmer's market with one of the following three licenses:
- Farmers market license
- Each annual license is $150. The recommended time to apply is at least two weeks prior to the operating date but must be received at least three days prior to the event.
- The license is only valid at farmers' markets.
- If the vendor operates two or more stands simultaneously, a separate license is required for each unit.
- Mobile food unit license
- Temporary food establishment license
Unpackaged foods that need to be temperature-controlled for safe consumption that are not prepared at the farmer's market must be produced in a licensed facility (food service establishment, food processing plant, mobile food unit, temporary food establishment). A farmers market license is also required to sell these foods at the market.
Back to topFoods Not Requiring a License
The following products may be sold at a farmers market to consumers without being licensed as a farmers market establishment:
- Whole, uncut fresh fruits and vegetables.
- Cottage foods, as defined by and labeled according to Iowa Code. Cottage foods include foods that are prepared in a private residence and do not need to be kept hot or cold for safe consumption. Cottage foods may include home-processed and home-canned food IF they comply with all of the regulations for those foods.
- Foods that are prepared, packaged, and labeled in a licensed establishment that need to be kept hot or cold for safe consumption. Examples include: Packaged meat, poultry, and dairy products, or packaged soft pies, cheesecakes, or cream-filled pastries.
- Fresh, wholesome shell eggs.
- Honey (Please note: Products containing honey need to be individually evaluated).
Foods Requiring a License
The following products must have a license to be sold at farmer's markets:
- Unpackaged foods that are temperature-controlled for safety, which include:
- Meat
- Poultry
- Dairy products
- Cooked or prepared foods
- Soft pies
- Custard-filled products
- Cream-filled products;
- Wild-harvested mushrooms as described in Iowa Administrative Code 481 Section 31.1(4), Wild-harvested mushrooms. (See below for more information.)
Wild Mushroom Requirements
Wild mushrooms may be sold at a farmers' market if all of the following criteria are met:
- All wild-harvested mushrooms sold or served are varieties classified as one of the following:
- Morel
- White or blonde morel (Morchella americana)
- Black morel (Morchella angusticeps)
- Half-free (Morchella punctipes)
- Oyster
- Pearl (Pleurotus ostreatus)
- Golden (Pleurotus citrinopileatus)
- Aspen (Pleurotus populinus)
- Indian, a.k.a. Italian, phoenix, or lung (Pleurotus pulmonarious)
- Chicken of the woods
- White-pored (Laetiporus cincinnatus)
- Sulfur shelf (Laetiporus sulphureus)
- Hen of the woods (Grifola frondosa)
- Chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius group)
- Bear's head tooth, Lion's mane (Hericium erinaceus or Hericium americanum)
- Pheasant back, a.k.a. Dryad's Saddle (Polyporus squamosus)
- Black trumpet (Craterellus cornucopoides)
- Morel
- Each wild-harvested mushroom must be inspected and found to be safe by a certified wild-harvested mushroom identification expert.
- The seller of the wild-harvested mushrooms must keep a written record for at least 90 days from the date the mushrooms were purchased with the following information:
- Identification of each mushroom species by the scientific and common name;
- Date of purchase;
- The quantity by weight of each species of mushrooms purchased;
- A statement indicating that each mushroom was identified in its fresh state and was not mixed or in contact with other mushroom species;
- The name, address, and telephone number of the certified wild-harvested mushroom identification expert;
- A copy of the wild-harvested mushroom identification expert’s certificate of successful completion of the program, including the date of completion.
- The seller must obtain a farmers market license or a mobile food unit license.
- The seller must inform customers by a consumer advisory in a brochure, deli case or menu advisory, label statement, table tent, placard, or other effective written means that wild mushrooms should be thoroughly cooked and may cause allergic reactions or other effects.
Please refer to Iowa Administrative Code 481 Section 31.1(4), Wild-harvested mushrooms, for additional information.
Back to topFood Labeling
Food that is prepared in a licensed food establishment or food processing plant must be labeled at a minimum with:
- Product name;
- A list of ingredients in order of predominance (by weight). If the product has a standard of identity in the Code of Federal Regulations, it must conform to that standard;
- Name and address of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor. Unless the name given is the actual manufacturer, it must be accompanied by a phrase that states the product is “manufactured for” or “distributed by”;
- Net weight or volume;
- Allergen information;
- Nutrition labeling information is required unless exempt. Exemptions may be found on the website. www.fda.gov.
Allergen information needs to be declared on the label or by the use of a placard. The following food products are considered major allergens and should be declared:
- Crustacean (crab, lobster or shrimp)
- Eggs
- Fish
- Milk
- Peanuts
- Sesame
- Soybeans (not refined soybean oil)
- Tree Nuts (almonds, pecans or walnuts)
- Wheat