During the 2018 General Assembly, the Iowa Legislature and Governor Reynolds enacted House File 2377 which included a mandate that, as of Jan. 1, 2020, all prescriptions (controlled and non-controlled substances) must be transmitted electronically from prescriber to pharmacy. The Iowa Code identifies certain prescriptions which would be exempt from this mandate. The Iowa Code also authorizes the Board to grant temporary exemption to entities that may not be compliant by Jan. 1, 2020. A temporary exemption may be considered for entities that can demonstrate economic hardship, technological limitations, or other exceptional circumstances.


The Board’s rules relating to the mandate for the electronic transmission of prescriptions, as adopted July 10, 2019. The Board’s adopted rules were published in the July 31, 2019 Iowa Administrative Bulletin and became effective September 4, 2019. 

Petition for Exemption

A prescriber or pharmacy may petition the Board for temporary exemption from the mandate if the prescriber or pharmacy has an economic hardship, technological limitation(s), or other exceptional circumstance(s). To request an exemption, submit a completed petition form and any additional documentation that you wish for the Board to consider. Petitions received three or more weeks in advance of a scheduled Board meeting will be placed on the agenda for consideration at the next meeting. Petitions received less than three weeks in advance of a scheduled Board meeting will not be placed on the agenda for consideration until the following meeting.  

Iowa Code

The Iowa Code section which relates to mandated electronic prescribing of controlled substances may be found in 124.308. The Iowa Code section which relates to mandated electronic prescribing of non-controlled substances may be found in 155A.27.

Electronic Prescribing Vendors

Providers must conduct independent research to identify a vendor that will work with the business practice.  The Board does not endorse any particular vendor. The Board does not mandate electronic health record (EHR) systems, nor does it mandate the electronic prescription system be integrated into an EHR system.   

Bandwidth Map

The Office of the Chief Information Officer has developed a map to identify the status of bandwidth in Iowa.

Exempt Providers

Businesses are responsible for maintaining a list of prescribers who are covered by their exemption. The exemption only covers those prescribers while they are working in the capacity described in the petition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Prescriber Questions

List items for Electronic Prescribing - Prescriber FAQs - General, Exemptions

General Questions, Prescription Exemptions, and Care Facilities

List items for Electronic Prescribing - Prescriber FAQs - Cost, Provider Exemptions

Cost, Exemptions for Providers, Hospice, Hospital, InstyMeds, Jails and Prisons, Non-resident, Penalties, & Refills

List items for Electronic Prescribing - Prescriber FAQs - Collaborative Practice

Collaborative Practice Agreements

Pharmacy Questions

List items for Electronic Prescribing - Pharmacy FAQs

General, Exemptions, Transfers, Care Facilities, Collaborative Practice, Emergency Service Programs, and Non-resident

Patient Questions

List items for Electronic Prescribing - Patient FAQs