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Abuse & Fraud

DIAL investigates and prosecutes instances of alleged administrative dependent adult abuse in Iowa health facilities and programs.

Signs of Dependent Adult Abuse or Neglect

Signs of abuse and neglect in dependent adults include but are not limited to the following indicators. The signs also include indicators of drug diversion, a form of abuse in which patients are deprived of necessary medication by their caretakers.

  • Unusual bruising or bleeding, open wounds, bed sores or cuts
  • Burns and abrasions
  • Sudden and unexplained change in weight
  • Soiling, poor hygiene, smell of urine or feces
  • Use of physical or chemical restraints in excess of doctor’s orders
  • Infections
  • Loss of hair
  • Torn, stained, or bloody clothing or bedding
  • Disappearance of personal items
  • Sudden and unusual financial transactions
  • Health care worker keeping, selling, or throwing away patient medications
  • A doctor selling prescriptions
  • Nurse ordering medication without doctor’s approval

Report Abuse

If you suspect dependent adult abuse in a program or facility, please report the incident using DIAL's online contact form. After you submit a report, trained personnel will review the information and determine if DIAL staff should investigate or if the incident should be referred to another government agency. If DIAL investigates, a full report will be made. And, if abuse is confirmed, the offender's name will be listed on the abuse registry.