Potential employers, verification companies, and other states' registry staff can check the Iowa DCW Registry to verify the status of a CNA by first and last name, city, county of residence, and registry number.
This registry number is the only unique identifying number that DIAL can publicly share or confirm.
Registry staff will not search by personally identifiable information (e.g., date of birth or any part of a Social Security number); please do not email this type of information to the registry. CNAs or employers should not send personally identifiable information (e.g., birth dates, SSNs, or photos/documents showing a driver's license, Social Security card, etc.) to the registry via email.
Search the Iowa Direct Care Worker Registry
Visit the Registry site online to search for CNA records. Search results can be downloaded as PDF or CSV files.
Contact DCW Registry Staff
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Iowa Direct Care Worker Staff. If you need to access the registry, visit the registry website.