If a CNA has been married or divorced since they were placed on the registry, their last name may not be current in the database. They also may need to update their contact information if their phone number or address has changed.
It is a CNA’s responsibility to make sure that all of their personal information is up to date in the Registry. To do so, they must be a registered user.
Visit the Iowa Direct Care Worker Registry
At least one business week after you have tested, visit the Direct Care Worker Registry. Note that for the best user experience, DIAL recommends using the application in Chrome, Edge, or Safari browsers.
Create New Account
In the upper right corner of the screen, there is a menu. Click "Login." You will choose this option if you are a new or returning user. If you are a returning user, skip to Step 6.
Choose Google or Microsoft
Choose either Google or Microsoft to log in. This will take new users to the Registration page (if you haven't logged in after May 4, 2021, you are considered a "new" user). A user does not need a Gmail or Microsoft email address, but must have (or create) an account with either Google or Microsoft, with their current preferred email address.
Complete Registration
On the "Register" page, select the "Direct Care Worker" option.
You will need to use one or all of the following ways to complete your account registration:
- Email lookup
- User lookup
- Contact DIAL
Access is Granted
If you successfully connect to your account through email or user lookup, you will be taken to your account. If you need to contact DIAL for registration, access will be granted once your account is set up.
Once you have created your account and have registered, you can log in to your account.
Choose Authorization Method and Log In
Choose the authorization with which you registered, either Google or Microsoft. You will be recognized by the OAuth providers and automatically signed in based on your user credentials.
On the home screen, your basic information and details are viewable and editable. You can update your personal contact information and if you are in "Active" status, you may view and print your registry card. Registry cards are no longer mailed automatically. This is to protect CNAs from identity theft. Cards can be securely printed from the Iowa Direct Care Worker database, by either CNAs OR Iowa facility staff who employ the CNA and are logged in with an account ID and password.
Contact DCW Registry Staff
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Iowa Direct Care Worker Staff. If you need to access the registry, visit the registry website.