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Board Overview

The Architectural Examining Board was created in 1927 and the Code was amended to provide a practice Act in 1961. The practice of architecture affects the public health, safety and welfare and is subject to regulation and control in the public interest.  Both the board and licensed architects strive at all times to protect the public interest by promoting the highest standards of architecture.

To view the current appointed Board members, please Iowa's Talent Bank

Interested in applying to become a part of the board? Submit an application here.

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Board Meetings

Meeting Dates Location
January 18, 2024 Room 111
March 21, 2024 Room 111
May 15, 2024 Room 111
July 18, 2024 Rooms 167/168
September 19, 2024 Rooms 123/124
November 21, 2024 Rooms 167/168
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Contact Information

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