An individual may reinstate a lapsed certificate of registration to active registration as follows:

  • Complete the online reinstatement application 
  • Pay $375 (current renewal fee plus $100 reinstatement fee) The renewal fee is valid until the next renewal date and is not pro-rated, thus if an applicant applies in May for a registration that should be renewed by June 30, the registration may be valid for less than two months. Individuals whose last name begins A-K renew in even numbered years; L-Z renew in odd numbered years.
  • Submit documented evidence of completion of 5 HSW contact hours of continuing education for each year or partial year since the your last renewal year in active status with a maximum of 20 HSW contact hours. The continuing education hours used for reinstatement may not be used again at the next renewal and shall not have been earned more than four years prior to the date of the application to reinstate.