The Boiler and Pressure Vessel Board sets fees for inspections, makes rules for boilers and pressure vessels, hears appeals of inspection reports, and considers variance and other requests.​

There are four basic types of requests that can be filed with the Board.  A brief description, form, and procedural rules for each type of request are provided below. 

Variance (Waiver) Requests

A variance suspends the requirements of a rule for an identified person based on a particular set of circumstances.  The Board may grant a variance if complying with the rule would cause undue hardship and a variance from the rule would not adversely affect public safety or health.  The Board cannot grant a variance from a statutory requirement.

Appeals From Inspection Reports

If you disagree with an inspection report, you may file for review by the Labor Commissioner within 30 days after the inspection report was issued.

If the Labor Commissioner denies your petition you may file an appeal with the Board within 30 days of the denial.

Petitions for Declaratory Orders

If you want to know how a Board rule would apply to a set of future circumstances (for example, equipment you might buy), you may file a petition for declaratory order.  Petitions for declaratory order cannot be used to establish the effect of prior conduct or to challenge a prior Board decision.

Petitions for Rulemaking

If you believe the Board should change, eliminate or add an administrative rule, you may file a petition for rulemaking.