
Medical & Health Field Jobs
Mental & Behavioral Health
Online License Services

Apply Online

Create an account, apply, renew, and pay for your license online using our self-service portal.

You can renew your license up to 60 days before your current license expires.

Renewal notifications will be emailed to your email address on file with the board at 60, 50, 40 and 30 days prior to the license expiration date. Renew your license early to avoid a late fee or lapse in licensure. All continuing education requirements must be completed prior to license renewal. 

Licensees are responsible for meeting all continuing education requirements and should review the rules regularly. Review the rules for detailed information about continuing education definitions, requirements, standards, criteria and other important specific to this profession.

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Conditional Prescribing Certificate

  • Application for Conditional Prescribing Psychologist Certificate
  • Training Director Instructions for Certification of Clinical and Practicum
  • Training Director Certification for the Conditional Prescription Certificate
  • Training Physician Certification Form for the Conditional Prescription Certificate
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Laws & Rules

Laws. Laws are contained in the Iowa Code. They are enacted by the Iowa Legislature and provide statutory authority to the professional licensure boards.

Administrative rules. The professional licensure boards adopt rules to interpret and implement the Iowa Code. Administrative rules have the force and effect of law.

Iowa Code & Administrative Rules for Licensing Boards

The following Iowa Code chapters and administrative rules apply to licensing boards within the department.

The process for seeking a waiver from an administrative rule and the standards under which the petition will be evaluated are described in Chapter 18.

  • Petition for Waiver Form PDF

This document is a list of some important practice references. This list includes sections of the Iowa Code, the APA Ethics Code, and regulations of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 

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Iowa Practitioner Program

The Iowa Practitioner Program (IPP) is available to licensees across multiple licensing boards in Iowa. The Iowa Practitioner Review Committee (IPRC) reviews self-reports made by licensees to determine eligibility for participation. 

About the Board of Psychology

We evaluate the qualifications of applicants for licensure and grants licenses to those who qualify.

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